If I would go back in time to my senior year I would tell myself to look for any scholarship or grant money you can because you dont have the money to pay out of pocket for college and you dont want to be in debt. Also, Study harder. Spend more time studying so that you can get better grades. Put all you have into your classes so you can make sure you are on top to get into the programs you want to get into. I would tell myself no matter what to never give up. College is going to be a lot of sleepless nights, and lots of sweat but you have to think about the end result and how much better it will benefit your family in the future. I would also say to keep on my path and dont let anyone or anything get in the middle of my future and goals.
I would advice myself to better perpare for anything pertaining to school.On the one hand, i would advice myself to obtain a job while in highschool so that i could save up money for college expenses.This being because i now know from experience that college costs thousands in tuition plus all the money spent on books and supplies needed for school.On the other hand, i would also recommend myself to obtain better tactic skills pertaining to school work. Such as more productive methods of learning and retaining that which was thought to me.Also making it a habit to study for a test way ahead of time with weeks in advance rather than trying to cram tons of information in a couple of days. Lastly, i would attempt to become more independent than that which i already was because making the transition from highschool to college isn't as simple as it seems.People accomodate at different rates, therefore, i would become accustomed to accomplish tasks on my own.After all, college life is no longer highschool type where you grow up next to people you know.Here you go on your own to obtain your goals.
I should always pay attention in class, the things I learn there can actually be beneficial to me in the future. I should also start studying for all of my classes even if I find that the classes are easy, I can never study too much for a subject. I need to understand that asking questions at high school will help me be more comfortable when I have to ask questions in college. Of course I need to start becoming more independent and not take anything for granted. My organization skills is one of the keys to my success So getting use to writing everything down and completing all my work on time will really help me when I have a project to be completed a week after it was assigned.
First of all I should start getting use to studying at least two for each of my classes. There is absolutley no excuse for not doing your homework on time nor for not attending class. My parents aren't going to be able to help me out when I am failing a course anymore. So I should really start taking more responsibilty for my actions and become more independent. At college no one is going to remind me to go to class nor to do my homework. I might be pressured to go to a party when I have a test the next day, but I have to understand that "no!" is the best answer.
Personally, if I could go back and talk to myself as a high school student, I would give myself advice on study habits. when I was in high school I never study, i never had to. Therefore, when I got to college it was a completely different type of learning style.
Also, I would encourae myself to take more scholarship opportunities. I was the kid in high school who thought I had no chance at recieving a scholarship so why even fill one out. But looking back now I wish i would have takin every chance I got, because now I am struggling with loans. The last thing I would tell myself is not to take everything so hard in high school. I realize that high school is a crucial time, but everything falls into place on its own and there is no use stressing over the things you can not change. Everything always falls into place on its own and thats why I am happily attending The University of Texas at Arlington.
Do not skip school! Pick a college major and stick with it because, otherwise, it takes years to complete. You got a four year scholarship!! Be smart with it, don't transfer so often, don't drop classes so much and don't blow your extra money on clothes! You are smart and you will decide that you don't have it in you to go to medical school. You do, so go! You have a wonderful family that is willing to do anything they can to help you graduate so don't take advantage of them. Spend more time on homework and less time reading. Prioritize and stay focused, even when it seems so hard and you don't think you have it in you any longer...I promise you, you still have some fight left in you!
Explore different career fields and find out as much about them before choosing a major. I am 25 and still taking classes to prepare for vet school applications. For example, If I knew the difference between general chemistry and intro chemistry in my undergrad (and that intro would not count for pre-med type careers) I would have taken the appropriate classes. Instead, I am going back and taking courses that I could have fit into my undergraduate plan. Overall, go volunteer places and see what it's like in different environments. I wish I knew what I wanted to do earlier when I was an undergraduate. I would be in vet school already instead of still taking pre-requisites! Best of luck and keep working hard :)
If I had the chance to go back to my high school senior year and talk to my self, I would tell my self to try even harder and to never give up. There were numerous times that I had to stop what I was doing and tell my self that I would all be worth it if i tried harder. Looking back now, there is so much I could had done in my senior year that I did not do. Starting with classes, I was enrolled in all AP/Honor classes which made my schedule a bit too dificult. Little did I know that college classes would be twice as hard than those AP classes I was giving up on. I was satisfy with my final rank but if I had had a little more confidence in y self, I am sure I could had been among the first10 people to gratduate from my class. I had no idea that college does no wait for you, life keeps going whether you read your book or not. I would definitely prepare my self harder physically, emotionally, and of course meantally to confront the transiton from HS to college.
David, I know you're going to college because you're Indian and you're parents want you to become an engineer; but its not their future, its yours. Spend some extra time figuring what school will work for you. what you feel will be a good degree for you is what you need to go with. UTA is a good school, but make sure you are going to it for what you really care about. Try to get into as many extracurricular activities. Make a bunch of friends and network with as many people as possible. Some people can be completely useless, but you can weed out who will help you excel after you at least make friends with them. Remember, everyone is struggling to make it here, so there's no harm in just introducing yourself.
I would not give myself any other advice because I knew what I was getting into. The workload was what I expected so I took as many difficult classes I could my senior year. The only advice I could give to myself if I went back into time would be that I should have taken the SAT and ACT again in order for me to receive more financial aid.