The University of Texas at Arlington Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Texas at Arlington know before they start?


If I had the chance to go back in time to my senior year of high school I would tell my past self many things. I would tell myself to get in the habbit of studying and taking good, better yet, great notes. I would tell myself to be prepared for the best and the worst of teachers. I would also tell myself to try not to give into the temptations of the college environment, and that it's okay for them to have a little fun every once in a while as long as it doesn't enterfere with there academic standing in the college. And the most important thing I would tell myself would be to pay attention well, don't take any information for granted.


If I could go back and give advice to my high school self, I would say: develop the best study habits possible, be self motivated, and learn how to be self sufficient. Don't waste your time. Time is not renewable, manage it well. Successful results are directly related to how much study effort you put in. Studying is not nearly as bad as failing. Yes, some folks will encourage you to do your best in school, but ultimately it is up to YOU to make it happen. If certain material is too challenging, always seek help no matter what. Be mentally focused when someone is explaining to you whatever it is you need help with. There will be times when you're half way through the semester and it has felt like an uphill struggle, just remember how the view will look from the top.


Making the transition for high school to college is very strange. The high school life that you once knew is now gone. In college you can not allow yourself to fall behind and you must manage your time wisely. If you do a little bit of work a day it is not as difficult. Putting things of will make you crazy when your work is due. Also take notes in all of your classes. Even though you might not think you need them at the moment, they come in handy when you are studying. Having notes also saves you time flipping through the pages of all your text books and helps you finish your homework faster. Staying focused in class will help you a lot though your classes. Even tough this is common sense many people get easily distracted and talk to their friends during a lecture and text on their phones. Stay focused and on track and you will do fine in college.


If I could go back in time and advise myself about college, I would tell myself to relax and don’t take yourself too seriously. I would advise myself to really enjoy this college experience, be open-minded, and never worry about what others think about you. Cherish each and every moment, value everyone that comes into your life, and take nothing for granted. Make memories that are worthwhile because time goes by so fast and you only get one chance at making these four short years memorable. Learn as much as you can and do not be afraid to make mistakes because without them there would be no progress nor success. It is okay if you do not have everything figured out yet because your college experience is about growth and self discovery. Take care of yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially, and always stay positive. Remain true to who you are and never change yourself for anyone. Use all of the available college resources to your advantage and always listen to your instincts. More importantly, do not forget where you came from and never lose sight of where you are going.


High schoolers need to remember to have fun. I worked really hard my freshman year and was stressed out a lot of the time. I wish I had someone to tell me to sit back and enjoy myself, because high school really is the last time that someone is constantly doing all the hard work for you. Show up to class and listen, have fun with your friends while it lasts and get a lot of sleep because you won't be getting much sleep for the next few years. Also, before classes start you should know where all the resources are, the library, the bursars office, the tutoring center, and the freshman aide center if they have one. Remember to work hard, but to enjoy yourself, its a big transition so take it all in stride.


There is nothing I regret not doing in high school. My organizational skills and time management allowed me to complete a fully satisfied high school career. I have always been so self-motivated and determined in every task I took on. If I could go back and talk to myself in high school I would let myself know that I am doing a great job and everything is going to be okay; that all my preperation for college - where I knew I would flourish - since middle school was worth every bit and would pay off sooner than I thought. It would have been perhaps beneficial to give myself a token of encouragement that I was doing everything I could to enjoy life at that time and prepare for my future accordingly. I was pretty well prepared for the transition, but if I could give a shout-out to someone who was not, it would be to take everything in moderation while maintaining passion; it is perfectly okay to relax, but preferrably not all the time; doing your homework is worth it, because daily grades add up; and lastly, go where you are celebrated, not where you are tolerated. CARPE DIEM!


Dear Highschool Mimi, This is College Mimi speaking. As you are in class right now sitting and thinking about how this information that your silly teachers are teaching in front of class will ever be relevant. Read on and do what I say. Be open to learn, the material that is presented to you in high school is suprisingly interesting if you give it a chance, you will see it again in college and will regret not learning it the first time around -which in return, will save you a lot of tuition money. School is important, do not let yourself be influenced by your friends and the choices that they are making. You are a very smart girl (graduated with Latin Honors!) so learn how to make decisions on your own. Figure out a studying strategy right now, that way you will not try to figure this out during the first two years of collage (PLEASE) .Take this moment to reflect on the advice, as it is a chance that will you will change your way to success. It will provide you with a clearer direction and it will save you a gripload of stress.


Don't declare a major right off the bat; start off doing just your basic requirements and then see what intersts you most. If you do know what major you want, make sure that you do mostly the basics in the first two years and then concentrate on your major classes. Find out about campus activities and clubs early on and join a few of them. Get to know your professors and have a personal relationship with them, don't be scared to email them with questions about the course work or to go talk to them in their office. Make sure that you meet with a financial advisor and have a plan for paying tuition if financial aid doesn't cover it.


My advice to future college students is to find a school that will challenge you and prepare you for the future. A school that has up to date equipment and readily available materials to help you with your studies. Interact with your professors and network while in school with professors and students for career opportunities. Do not just go with the flow and motions of school but actually learn and challenge yourself in your classes. Your last two years of school, get a part time or full time job associated with your major so when you graduate you will have some experience in your field to grow within the company. Now, it is very difficult to find a job with little or non-related experience. If you cannot work, try interning or volunteering in your particular field.


I inform myself that it is ok to change majors if it is not working out in the engineering disciplines. Drop classes and pursue a degree in something you love doing. Do not get caught up in the party scene and seek student counseling to help guide you to best outcomes. That was not available 20 years ago. Do not let others goals interfere with our own. Do not give up on your dreams or take short cuts.