Auburn University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Auburn's social life is very fun. Since it is a small college town, the things to do sometimes get repetitive. Overall, I really enjoy the social life.


Student Government plays a large roll on campus. The greek life is very large on campus involvement wise. The great part about Auburn though is that you do not have to be greek. You can still find your place with non-greeks and greeks even if you are not a part of one. Auburn has many fraternites that have band parties each weekend that are always great. There are always sporting events going on that many people attend. There is always someone to call to hang out with and if you don't feel like doing anything that exciting on a Saturday night there is still someone to call you just might have to dig a little. The big week day to go out in Auburn is Wednesday night because it is 19 and up at the bars.


Being in a sorority is a great way to meet people right away but also some of my best friends are not in sororities.


Greek life is a major part of Auburn I think. It is a great way to meet many new people, boys and girls. It is also a great social life because of formals and socials and parties and swaps. Athletic events are a lot of fun. The party scene just depends on who you are and what you choose to do; what your preference is.


There are tons of social activities at Auburn. They do alot of really cool events for non-greeks which is cool and alot of schools don't do that. But if you want something to do every night you'd have to be in the greek community because there is always something going on, which is often mandatory for these people and therefore hurts their grades i feel.


Greek life is big in Auburn. I am in a sorority and i love it. Students leave their doors open in the dorms but the main front doors are locked. I always feel safe on auburns campus. Obviously football is huge in auburn and tailgating is so much fun. On a tuesday at 2am it really depends on what im doing. I could be out for a social or a swap or I could be studying for an upcoming test. Partying is pretty big but students definitely take school seriously. This weekend is a huge weekend: Sigma Phi Epsilon's Waikiki party that starts on wednesday and goes till sunday and Alpha Psi's Rodeo on saturday during the day.


The socail life is good and its a great safe atmosphere. Fraternities and sororities play a big role in meeting people but so does athletics. I feel at auburn if you are not part of something it is hard to meet people.


I know not a big percentage of Auburn is Greek, but I feel that fraternity and sorority's are very popular. Also the football team is popular. I'm apart of Pi Beta Phi and I really enjoy it. I have met some of my bestest friends through my sorority, and I've gotten so many opportunities to interact and help our community. Students in dorms probably leave their doors unlocked more than they should. I know I do. I don't leave the door open though. Athletic events are extremely popular, it's always full in the stadium!


The most popular groups on campus are the Greeks. The Black Student Union seeks to become a brand name on campus, as more than just an organization where Black students meet, greet and eat. It has put a lot of emphasis in the last two academic years on community service. W.E.G.L. 91.1 has been on the air since April 1971. It seeks to promote local music and wants to have more involvement in campus signature events, as well as provide a variety of music and programming. I live off campus, so I do not know whether most students leave their dorm rooms doors open. Athletic events are the most popular on campus. Guest speakers are sometimes popular, depending on who the speakers area. There is not enough interest in theater. I am too busy to go out dating because I am a graduate student, am involved with activities on-campus and off-campus and I have to take care of my own household. I met my closest friends at church. If I'm awake at 2 a.m. on a Tuesday, I am either studying, working on preparation for my W.E.G.L. 91.1 program War Eagle '70s, or watching "The Young and the Restless" recording on VCR earlier in the day for replay or all three things. Tiger Nights, Tiger Stomp, War Eagle mascots flying over the stadium pre-game are some of the traditions. People party more often during football season. Greeks are uber-important. Last weekend, I watched the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament on TV and celebrated Easter. Stay home, eat dinner, study and/or watch TV. I volunteer with the Black Student Union and attend Mosaic Family Church off campus; I also live off campus.


Fraternities and sororities are the most popular groups on campus. The Student Alumni Association is also very popular. - I'm involved in a social sorority and I like it very much. - No, students in dorms are not allowed to keep doors open. However, most students do not lock their dorm rooms. - Athletic events are the most popular events on campus. Guest speakers and theater not so much. - The dating scene is good. - I met my closest friends through my sorority, although I am still close with friends from high school. - Either at the bar or studying. - Football season, Hey Day, O-Day happen every year. - People party a lot, especially freshman. - Fraternities and sororities are somewhat important. - On a Saturday, you can go to the movies, eat dinner, bowling, etc. - Off campus, I usually party.