Auburn University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I am a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority and I love it! It is such a great way to meet people coming from a high school where I only has 2 other girls who came to Auburn with me. My favorite social tradition is the Alpha Psi Rodeo. It's always such a good time.


In my opinion, it is hard to find something to do on the weekends that doesn't involve drinking. Since the majority of students at Auburn drink, finding things to do on the weekend without alcohol is especially difficult. Going to the movies or going bowling get old and cost alot of money. One thing I enjoy doing on the weekends is taking road trips. Even though it makes the weekend go by too fast, taking a short trip can be so much fun. Students who are not into drinking have to think to come up with creative things to do for fun on the weekend.


THe most popular groups on campus are club sports teams, greek life, honor societies, SGA and camp ware eagle and SOS. Athletic events are very popular, guest speakers are popular for the particular major or department that it applies to. The best way to get a date is to meet people through groups and organizations. I met my closest friends from my freshmen year dorm, sorority and through some of my major classes that I have with all the same people at this point. If I'm awake on 2am on a Tuesday, it would be because of homework, but I cant remember the last time I've had to be up past 1 because of homework. People party whenever they want, birthdays or just having fun. But it's not everywhere and it's easy to either take part in or to avoid, it just depends on what you prefer. I went ot the beach last weekend, which is another good thing about Auburn, its only 3 hours away.


Athletic events are very popular and usually crowded. Dorm life is very relaxed and you tend to form a bond with those you live around. There is usually always something to do on campus on any given night. Its just knowing when to party and when to study.


I am a Pi Beta Phi and I met most of my new friends through it. Either they are a pi phi too or I met them through a pi phi friend. I would definitely recommend joining a sorority. I just wish we had sorority houses where they fed us meals like most other school's sororities have and also our fraternities have.


everything Auburn hosts turns into a social event. THE students at auburn love to support eachother, whether is't a play, soccer game, or school gathering.


Fraternities and sororities are pretty big and most people drink a lot.


Sororities, Fraternities, and sports are the closest organizations that I have seen. You get very close to these people because you do spend a lot of time with them! I am pretty involved around campus and love it! I continue to meet more and more people, which can only beneficial. Bowling, movies, band parties, house parties, and going out to dinner with your friends. Since we are in college, a lot of people do drink, but also there are many people who do not! Auburn truly is a diverse campus, and it is not hard to meet people!


Football games are by far the most exciting, popular sporting event. So much, that sometimes people complain that we are not fully supporting our other sport teams. . I think Greek like is very important, and i LOVE it. I live off campus so most of the things I do are generally off campus.


I think the most popular activity on campus for my sorority would be intramural sports. Every girl loves not only to be on the teams but to go to the games and cheer each other on. A lot of Auburn students love to party. Some a little too much. My sorority is extremely important to me. It really helped me to find the right group of friends and a way to get involved on campus.