Auburn University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I'm not really sure what the "popular" organizations are on campus, because I didn't join many "popular" groups when I arrived. I founded one club (College Bowl) and joined a few others for brief periods (Chi Alpha, Auburn Students for Constitutional Reform, Auburn University Libertarians). The only group of which I have been a continual active member is The Navigators, a Christian fellowship with a focus on inductive Bible studies. I am not too familiar with the dating scene at Auburn. I didn't get to know any girls that way during the first two years, then I started dating a high school friend who went to school at Michigan State University. I met most of my friends in the dorms my freshman year. Dorms have a very inviting community atmosphere, so it's hard not to meet someone with whom you would want to hang out. People party all the time, I think. I wouldn't know, because I'm not in a fraternity or a sorority. Those Greeks like to live it up and get all the block seating at the football games. They wear their suits and dresses and ruin the "All Auburn, All Orange" drives. Jerks. Can you tell that I'm bitter?


Our most popular sport is indeed football, while the most popular activity is Student Government or the Greek scene. We are very diverse in the arts as well, with many keynote speakers and performances each year. Our proudest tradition is probably War Eagle and the Rolling of Toomer's corner. Anyone who has visited Auburn knows that there is certainly no shortage of things to do. Whether it be Skybar during the week, or some of the best parties on the weekends, Auburn is always lively. Non-drinking activities can include the bars, where people go to socialize and have fun on the dance floor. Off-campus to us is a place where there is no university property. Wherever we are there is always the spirit of Auburn University, "A Spirit that is not Afraid." WAR EAGLE!


Fraternities and sororities are a big part of campus but if you're not in one it isn't a big deal. I'm in a social sorority and I really enjoy it, it was a great way to get to know people right when I got hear and it's a great way to get to know new people all the time. Students leave their doors open all the time but it would be weird for a stranger to just wander into your room. Athletic events are probably the biggest thing at Auburn, you've been living in the clouds if you don't know that sports are a big deal in the SEC. Theater is really cool, I wouldn't have gotten involved unless I had taken the intro course. I really loved seeing all the plays first semester and it isn't just theater people who do plays, athletes are involved too. I met my closest friends through my sorority. If I'm awakeat 2am on a Tuesday I'm either in the library studying or on Facebook. Hey Day is a fun tradition at Auburn but the best is rolling Tumor's Corner after a game! People party a lot at Auburn but most find it important to not let it get in the way of school. Fraernities and sororities make it easier to meet people at Auburn but if you're not in one that doesn't mean you can't be friends with people who are and not associating with one doesn't make you an out cast. We had our sororities Spring Formal last Friday in Montgomery and then on Saturday I went to a Fraternities annual Woodstock which was amazing! If I'm off campus I'm eating at a restaurant or at a friends house/apartment.


I find it very misleading that only a small percentage of Auburn student are Greek because as a sorority member I feel as if Greek students truly run our campus. I am not sure how it really works out that way but I get that impression. Sororities are very unique at Auburn. Auburn sorority girls can party with the best of them but it is strongly discouraged by the sororites themselves. Auburn sororities are very classy and unlike your typical sororities around the country.


Anybody at Auburn University will find an organization they fit into. I am not the sorority type so that direction of social activity was out of the question but I found many other activities to be in that fit with my lifestyle and taste. I am a member of Silver Wings and have been for the past four years. It is a social organization that is affiliated with the Air Force ROTC. This group is a great way to learn more about the military as well as get community service experience. All sports teams here at Auburn are greatly supported. From the tennis matches to the basketball games to even the water polo matches people show to support our school. Sports are a huge deal to every student at our university.


-Sports - FOOTBALL -Social Sorority -Everyone is Dating Involvment: Social Sorority Lacrosse Society of Women Engineers Cupola Engineering Society Intramurals Church Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society Deans List Top Ten Miss Alabama USA Top 20 Miss Homecoming - Auburn Public Relations Club -Meet people in Sorority and some in Sports -2am on a Tuesday - in the Library studying (unless it is a friends birthday and we are still out) -Rolling Toomers, Tiger Walk, Iron Bowl, ect. -Party Thursday - Sunday Morning -Social Sorority and Fraternity is important -Not many Saturdays with out drinking -Shop, Eat, Go out, LAY OUT BY THE POOL...


The most popular groups or organizations would be the sororities and fraternities, or the sports teams. The football team might as well be celebrities, although they do associate with the general public at restaurants and clubs. Needless to say, athletic events are among the most popular, but theatrical plays and guest speakers are well advertised too. There are plenty of places to go and things to do if you do not prefer a bar scene. There is always the mall, movies, and several coffee houses just to hang out and talk. One of my favorite traditions at Auburn would have to be "Hey Day" where, literally, everyone walks around saying hey to one another, whether you know them or not. This provides an excellent opportunity to get to know people you might not ordinarily talk to and it's pretty hard to feel silly doing so because everyone is doing it!


i guess the SGA and the greek life. it just depends on what inerests you. tridelt was not that important to be because i dropped out after my sophomore year. it was a lot of crap to do and deal with. i already had my friends from there, so i did not really see the big deal in staying in it.


The most popular groups on campus are the sororities and fraternities. I am involved in a sorority and I could not be happier. I truly have found my best friends and a family away from home in them. Our group, like all the others, has an annual philanthropy event to raise money for our local philanthropy. Being a part of the greek system has helped me out in so many ways, mostly because of all the people I have met. Now I can walk into my new classes at the beginning of the semester and know a few people in each class, which is nice in a huge sea of students. I live in an off campus co-ed dorm, but in my dorm we do leave our doors open and just walk in and out of eachother's rooms to talk and hang out. In the on campus dorms that I have been in, the doors are not left open usually. When it comes to athletic events, football owns all in Auburn. Football season in crazy to say the least and people will start lining up to go into the stadium an hour before it even opens, which is three hours before game time. Football game days consist of getting up and tailgating all day until it is time to go into the game, and then continue tailgating after or head up to the bars (if you are over 21). Speaking as a girl, if you can find a boy at Auburn (as a freshman and possibly sophomore) who is willing to date and stick to one girl, hold on to him. I guess it is the stage that boys go through when they get to college where they like to be crazy and not tied down. As you get older though, like junior year, people start to settle down and date seriously. I met my closest friends through my sorority, and we are so close now that people ask us if we knew eachother before we came to Auburn. If I am awake on a Tuesday, I am either studying, laying in bed and watching tv or playing around on my computer, or out depending on what is going on downtown that night. Auburn has many traditions such as; rolling toomers corner after a big football win, the eagle flying around the stadium before home games, and call outs at Cater lawn. The amount of partying that goes on at Auburn differs from person to person. There are some people who never go out, and there are others who go out every night no matter what. Wednesday night is a huge night to go out in Auburn, it is the only night were students under 21 can get into Sky Bar. Usually, I go out on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. There is always the exception though when socials are on Tuesdays or Thursdays. To me, being greek is a big deal but I have friends who are not greek and they do have their own social groups and still have fun. Last weekend I went to a fraternity initiation party and another fraternity band party on Friday night and Saturday night I went to a birthday party and then to a fraternity "date" party. On Saturday nights where you don't want to drink, you can still go out to the bars and parties and be sober, have a movie night, go out to the movies, and sometimes restraunts will have live music that you can go and see. Off campus, I mostly go to downtown like toomers and ellie, or I go over by the mall off opelika and eat at restraunts around there. There is also the movie theater by the mall, which is off campus. Also, when I want to go shopping I drive up to Atlanta since it is only about 1 1/2 hours from Auburn without traffic.


Theres many different groups and organizations on campus, but none that i'm really involved with. I am a member of AUPRCA though, a Public Relations council. Football games are extremely popular, we love our tigers! Serious relationships arent' extremely common here. Most couples that are serious have been together since high school. The others are having fun and keeping their options open. I met my closest group of friends randomly, mostly through the group of guys i hang out with. Different people party more than others. Freshman year i partied all the time, but i've slowed down a little this year. However, i still love to dress up and go the bar. If i'm awake at 2am, i'm either drinking coffee and studying, or out at a bar or party.