If I were able to have the chance to have a conversation with myself as a high school senior I would recommend finishing the year with straight A's to have a better GPA.I would encourage myself to study very hard for the SAT's because it will play a huge role when applying to colleges.I would also instruct myself to apply to every scholarship application I am eligible for because it will help with college cost.Lastly , I would tell myself to prepare to depend on no one else but your self to get through college because unlike high school teachers college professors will not make you do your work or make you come to class everything in college is a choice and its up to you to put forth the effort to succeed.
Chakara, I know that you think school is boring and that having fun is more important, but believe me when i say it is not. The most fun you are going to have in your life is going to college and meeting new people. You are literally the smartest person I have ever known, you just have not realized your full potential yet! Stop screwing around, get your head in the books and realize that I know whats best for you. Get the best grades you possibly can this year and do not slack off like I know you are so very tempted to do, it is not worth it. Remember how much potential you have and apply at Clark Atlanta University to further your education.
If I could go back in time and talk to my younger self, I would tell Allison that it is okay to be alone sometimes. I would tell myself that sometimes your goals are not the same as everyone else's. I would assure myself that if i really want something, then sometimes you have to stand alone and work hard by yourself to get it. I would not allow my younger self to dwell on the past and what I do not have because I know that once my hard work is done, life will reward me.
Although teachers and administration explained the importance of taking advantage of any scholarship I did not take it into consideration. If I was able to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would surely emphasize how hard it is in college without the right funding. One thing I would tell myself is to use my free time wisely and try to get as much money as possible with scholarships. There are so many out there that could benefit me if I would have taken the time to complete more scholarships. I am in college on a payment plan that is about $1,500 a month every month. Currently, I am behind on my payments and it has caused the university to put a hold on my account and restricts me from creating a schedule for next semester and releasing my transcripts. This is causing me to be very stressed out! With finals around the corner, family problems and my social life, I have found myself breaking down because it has gotten so hard for me to do things on my own.
Listen up self, I know that you are very excited about going to school and getting away from Newark, NJ but never forget the reason you are going. You don't want to have to return her empty handed and have to face the world more unperpared than you started. Make sure you set a purpose to go along with your goal. Keep God first and follow all of his order. There will be alot of people in this new environment who dont mean you any good but like wise this can be the opportunity of a life time. There are many people there who have good information to share with you but you must be open to recieving it. Remember you are special. It is not about what you wear, what car you drive or the fact you dont have a care. You are there so you can afford a car later. Please do your work and always always go to class no matter what. Talk to your teachers and stay focused on your goal of having a purpose filled life. I really love you self and I want you to get the best out of this time.
If I were granted the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to seriously look up these schools and know what they offer; read commentary from current students and or/ graduate students and see what they said about the institution. I would also tell myself to really think about what my major would really be because sometimes it can change based on how well the professors, in that field, teach the subject. Here is an important tip I would tell myself: Starting out as a Freshman, take every class serious, get to know your professors, make connections, and just enjoy yourself. If you do what you are suppose to do in class, your grades will positively reflect your learning. Make friends with your professors because believe it or not you will need them as a reference for a job or internship for the future. Thirdly, meet new people and show them what talents you have; these same people may work for a high-end job and are willing to show you to your seat in Stardom. Lastly, make the best of your four years; smile through them.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say to be focused when I got to college. College students have a lot of free time on their hands to do work and study, but it is hard to stay focused when you have so much time on your hands. I would tell myself to save all the money I could because living on your own, fourteen hours away from home is tough when you are not working. I would tell myself to believe in me and to believe in my intelligence. Sometimes you are going to be the only one rooting for you and you have to do it because if you don't, nobody else will. I would tell myself not to worry about the parties or get caught up in the drama because none of it is worth it, but your education is it is the key to your future
Transitioning from being a senior to college freshman life has been an intimidating experience. If I could return back in time, I would tell my senior self several things that would help to prepare for the mental, academic and financial challenges that as a high school student I took for granted. When addressing the mental challenges, I would tell myself to stress less,
manage my time more efficiently and prioritize. With academics, I would tell my senior self that having better study skills and not procrastinating on important assignments is critical, because you can't do your best when waiting till the last minute. Financially, I would tell myself that saving money and applying for scholarships would have been smart so that paying for college would be easier for me and my single mom. Finally, I would tell myself that spending money wisely is very
important because its the ultimate means of survival. When realizing that it is timeindependent and knowing the struggles that I will face I ultimately have a different outlook on life. These are the important things I wish I would have been able to share with myself before transitioning into college.
I would start and say that it is totally different from high school. The teachers care still but, they will not remind you that u have assignments due or ask you where are they if you didn't turn it in. If you come in with the mind set of grades come first, everything else should fall into place. Just like high school, college is what you make it. Also get involved so you can get to meet new people and enjoy your time at college
I would always follow thru on my assignments, and keep a journal with things that I need too do, and make sure that they get turned in on time. Too apply for as many scholarships that I can, and too talk too as many people that I can about college whenever I go vistit college campus, and get as much information about the college that I can, too register early and check back too see where I stand with the college so far as too my admission.