Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


I would tell myself to always remain true to myself and never forget that my academic excellence in high school is what got me to college. I would say to work hard at all times and to never let anything stand in the way of your success. Financing college may be an issue, but you will overcome anything that you put your mind too. I would also tell myself to stay true to your morals and values and never allow anyone or anything to take you out of character. I would tell myself to start off freshman year with great grades and getting involved just like high school because setting your GPA from the beginning is crucial and it is much easier for your grades to drop than it is to pull them back up.


I don't remember when I stopped taking school so serious. In fact, I wouldn’t even aim for A’s or B’s anymore. I was satisfied with a D as long as I passed the class. I had the potential to do better, but all I wanted to do was have fun and be with my buddies. Until senior year came to an end and I wasn’t graduating on time for failing an English class. When I enrolled in college I felt like I got another opportunity to do better and give my education my full effort and that’s exactly what I did. So after my experience, the advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be “Pay less attention to your friends and focus more on school because your friends aren’t going to help you graduate, go to college, or get a job in the future. All that depends on you. Your education and knowledge are things that are going to get you somewhere good in life and even though learning can get frustrating at times don’t ever give up because in the long run it’s well worth it."


Looking back now, I would only tell myself one thing. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK! I think I did pretty well academically in high school. But coming to college, I quickly learned that the connections you make with people could be the opening you need to get your foot in the door at places. You never know who you might run across or even who you are sitting next to everyday in class. I would tell myself to work on my communication skills more. And learn how to put myself out in the field more. I should have stepped outside my comfort zone and networked myself more. In all honesty, you can learn these skills when you get to college but it would have been very helpful to hear this while I was still in high school!


I would take my classes more serious. Your gpa in high school is very important when applying to colleges and universities. It is important to study and complete assignments on time. I would also ask questions when I do not understand what is being taught. In high school (9th-10th grade), I did not realize the importance of having a good gpa until my junior and senior year.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would definitley tell myself to stay focus, and apply to as many scholarships as possible. You may think that you are ready for college and moving out of the house, but as soon as it happens its not all that you hope for. The pros of being in college is you can do what you want, go wherever you want, and more. The cons of being in college is you are responsible for everything. Parents will not be there in the morning waking you up for school, teachers are not going to remind you when things are due, and there are a lot of distractions. Once you enter college, you are entering into another world; adult world. When you go to college make sure you are financially stabled because college is not cheap, and when you don't have money to stay in school it's not a good feeling. You are in high school now, so stay focus, remember why and what you are going to college for, and apply to as many schorlarships as possible.


If i could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school freshman, i would have to tell mysekf to attend a cheaper school. Clark Atlanta is my dream school but having to come up with $33,000 a year is almost impossible.


To meet myself as a senior in high school the major advice would not pertain a huge college transition. High school was a giant black spot in my life due to bullying and I would like to tell myself not to sweat it. The only people who really matter will be there when you really need it and all the girls who picked on you because your clothes will not even be on your radar in college. The only things that will matter are your hard work and effort. Your life will not be based on what you did in high school or what your ACT score was, you can change anything if you set your mind on the goals and tasks ahead. I would say “Believe in yourself for you hold all the cards.” I would also remind myself that while being overweight is not something to be ashamed of, it is something you should try to improve on. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication just like college does but being active helps to release tension and stress. So cheer up, leave the immature students behind and look forward to a future you can create.


Highschool has been the framing to prepare you for the next phase of your educational path. If you are able, attempt to apply for as many scholarships and grants as you can in preparation for entering college. As you enter college, going into your freshman year focused with a plan. Your social life should take backseat to studying and classroom time. Partner with upper classmen that you see are serious about school and use them as a model for your personal success. Use your leadership skills to get involved with clubs, memberships, whiile honing your networking skills. Take advantage of any local and campus scholarships and grants. Find a professor, counselor, or someone in your upperclass who are willing to mentor you and offer guidance for mapping out your future. Take this opportunity to stretch and challenge your intellect to learn as much as possible. Never take advantage of education. Choose to live your best life and never settle for less then your best! Lastly, volunteer at local schools and share your storie with other highschool students to help them prepare for their own upcoming college experience.


Senior year in High School is fun, exciting, overwhelming, hard work, dedication and most of all rewarding. Being a senior in high school prepares students to become responsible adults. Being a senior in high school is also a time to prepare for college. Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high senior, knowing what I knowing today. The advice I would give myself would be to apply for as many scholarships as possible. The importance of scholarships could not be stressed enough to a high school senior. Scholarships have ways of allowing a student to be recognized for high standards that they may have set for themselves. Scholarships are important for several reasons. First of all scholarships provide financial support easing the stress from students and parents. Second scholarships help students transition from high school to a selective university, smoothly. Third scholarships distinguish the achievement of a student’s progress. Finally a student’s resume will stand out from others after receiving a scholarship. Scholarships not only help financially but academically. Being more educated about scholarships would have made my transition from high school to college less stressful and more definite.


Micole please make wise decisons this time around and really take your education serious. Be all that you can be and give 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} to all that you do. Never let anyone detour or dictate what you do in your life. It is very important that you save your money and spend it on foolish things like clothes and cosmetics because in college those things really doesn't matter.Micole remember that you are a beautiful woman and that is a purpose for you in life and never seek the the validation of your friends because it is NOT important. All you need it your christ and saviour.I know that it is hard and you have cried alot of tears, and alot of people who you thought loved you hurted you but it is important for you to be strong. College could be a cold and unfriendly enviorment if you let be.Be the social butterfly that you was born to be and meet the new friend to last a life time in college.Open up and stop being anti-socail its people in this world waiting to meet you.