Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


I wouldactually go visit the campus before i actually make my decision. I would have looked up their major programs to see if it matched my future career goals. I would make my choice based off what's best for my major and not because of the name. I would also prepare myself for a big transition as far as living, work, and education.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would first inform her about time management. It is important to know how to set time for partying and how to set time for studying. Most people fail to realize that academics come first. Although many colleges host various of parties and social gatherings, you must have your priorties in order. The second thing I would tell myself is to be yourself. Do not get caught up on trying to become a part of an organization that will dim the light on your individuality and creativity. The last and final thing I would talk to my high school self about is how to maintain a good stress level. College can get a bit stressful with the work loads, new relationships, and keeping good financial stability. It is good to be aware of a few stress relievers that may help decrease some of the stress obtained from college. Things such as, excercising, listening to music, or finding some alone time to think are a few that I engage in now as a college student. Overall, I would let myself know to have fun.


With all the knowlede i have gained growing up, i woulda have taken many different steps to prepare for college. I would have first of all tried harder and applied for as many scholarships as i could have. I would have also went straight to college instead of taking time off as i would have graduated by now. Now that i know the ropes i try to inform my younger siblings to stay on track and do good in school so they can get a better opportunity than i did.


You're now in the final stage of your high school career as a senior. You're now at the top of the food chain but don't let that distract you from the bigger picture. I am days away from completing my first school term at an university. I'm in the position to give you advice on college life and making the essential transition as you take your next step in achieving your goals. College life is great and it’s everything you see in movies plus more. The campus life is grand with events and activities available to you but let that not distract you from your studies; “school first.” To build your resume, get involved on campus as much as possible but that’s where time management comes in; balance your time wisely . Do not take on more than you can handle. With making the transition from high school to college, speak with upperclassmen; they have experience. Take your time in choosing whom to associate with. Choose people that will motivate and inspire you. From everything you do from now on, have faith, determination and dream big. No dream is unattainable. Good luck and God bless.


I spent my high school life in all the "smart" classes, and when you take those classes, there is a lot of talk about college. It's generally assumed that right after graduation, college is what that smart kids are "supposed to do." I got accepted to CSU Fresno with a very big scholarship. The thing was, I was burned out on being "smart." I said no to Fresno State and felt I had disappointed everyone, that I was a loser. The self loathing lasted for years. If I could go back to that time, I would buy myself an ice cream cone and say that I was going to be alright. The truth is, I hadn't disappointed my family. After high school, I had a thriving massage career that they were proud of, which was no less an accomplishment than a college degree. I would tell myself that I should relish my time of learning lessons outside of a classroom, that college would come soon enough. I would tell myself that its perfectly okay go to college when I'm ready-- and that when I finally enrolled, it would be better than I ever imagined.


Dear Ciara, Now that you are a senior in high school I feel that it is the best time to talk to you about everything that you are going to face in college.Although high school was very hard college life isn’t going to be any better but if you commit yourself to your goal you set it will be well worth it.There will be times that you may want to go to certain events during school time but,you must remember that school is your top priority.You should stay away from people who will try and persuade you to do something negative because it will only result in your down fall.You are a strong young lady and believe that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to and you will excel in college because you know you can.College will challenge you mentally,emotionally and physically whether test or the people you meet along the way but, always remember that you are doing this to make something out of your life and you will succeed.I know that you will make a positive figure for others that will travel down your path to come.


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior is the advice that would help me better prepare myself for this college journey. I would tell myself to start applying for scholarships atleast 6 months prior to coming to my institution. I would also tell myself to ask those that are in college how their first experience was and what did they expect to happen in college that did not occur. I would tell myself to really prepare myself not only mentally and physically but financially because the cost of tuition and college expenses is at an all time high. I would tell myself to also make sure I have support and help from family members because although college is an experience you undergo on your own, you still need a support system to help you financially because the cost of living is not easy for a student that is not used to living on their own without a parent or guardian. I would lastly tell myself to work hard and network because the more staff members and people you know, the better chance you have a different opportunities such as jobs, scholarships, grants, and internships.


There are a few things that I would impart upon my past self. I would tell him how important it is to maintain a good credit rating and not to apply for every credit card thrown at home. I would tell him that it is hard to set up a good life for him and his family withouta decent credit score. Also, I would tell him that it is important to focus on his studies in school. There will be plenty of time to have fun after he graduates. What he does in these 4 years will dictate the direction of the rest of his life. I would tell him to find a good balance though. He will burn himself out if all he does is study. He needs to develop some healthy stress relief techniques. Coming from a small town that is predominantly Native American, I would tell him not to get overwhelmed by the lack of people from his same ethnic background. He has to be open to meeting new people and learning about their culture.


Kynesha you must take your school work seriously because the higher your GPA is the more scholarship opportunities are out there for you. Also you must get out of the habit of procrastination, procrastination will effect you not only through college but through life period. Time management and procrastination runs hand and hand it is a must that you have great time management this will help you through college and through your career. It is important that you don't wait till the last minute to complete things. Being an athlete tests you with procrastination and your time management skils. When you enter college you should be one step ahead of everything. Just remember why you are in college, education first social life last. Do not let any temptation stop you from accomplishing your goals.


Don't try to grow up too fast even when you feel like everyone else needs you to. Have more confidence in yourself because we both know you can achieve anything if you truly wanted to and not because of the expectations that have been already set. Make your own set and stick to it, don't falter in your decisions, and believe there are ways of getting there. Especially don't worry about the money stituation because it'll only bring you down along the way, trust me on that one. We both know you love mom and dad but be selfish and go for it without concern for their approval because at the end of the day they'll still love you and back you up on your decision as much as they possibly can. Also remember to cry every once in a while. It's okay and I'm here to remind you that it doesn't make you any less strong for it because holding it in hurts just as much. College is an endless pool of questions and it's up to us to find the answers; but you're never alone, just remember that.