Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


If I could go back in time I wouldn't tell myself the usual "get good grades" or "have good attendance." I would say since highschools range in size from small to large be interactive with your guidance counselor as much as possible from day one! Whether there are a handful of people in your class to thousands, don't be shy to take advantage of any workshops or help counselors offer you. Make sure essays, applications, and test scores are submitted promptly with counselors because other seniors are doing the same thing at the same time. Second, I would tell myself get involved in volunteer work and extracurriculars early. Colleges are looking for DIVERSITY among its applicants and the more you do different then the next person is what may allow you stand out.


As a current college student, I would advise my high school self to not rush into anything. Do not be lazy and look at plenty scholarship opportunities before tuition is due. College is very hard to pay for and if there is no money, there is no education. I would also tell myself to not wait until the last minute to try to find grants and loans because the longer you wait, the harder is becomes to acheive. To get a good education is expensive and a lot of hard work. Have an open mind and be proactive.


If I could go back in time as a senior in High School, I would tell myself to take advantage of scholarship opportunities, be more involved, and take your classes seriously. In High School many do not realize that their grades are so important. The higher your GPA is in high school the more scholarship and financial aid you will receive. Also I would tell them to find study techniques because there is no way to get through college without studying and time management. Time Management is everything you need in college. Life is all about balance and that’s what is important to succeed.


I would advice students to manage their time wisely. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep and spending time studying. There will be parties every weekend so do not focus on that. You are unable to retake exams so it is best to study hard for them in advance rather than waiting until the last minute to do so. When you have managed your time, going to school, working, and socializing with others does not become overwhelming.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would tell myself to work harder to get above a 3.0 GPA. In high school a 3.0 is great but when you come to college it say you did average work and didn't strive for greatness. I would also tell myself to save my money and apply for all the scholarships that were offered. Now that i'm in college I find myself struggling to buy books, pay for room and board, and tuition but if I had applied for more scholarships, I would have had a better chance of receiving money that could take care of these costs. The last thing I would tell myself is to never give up and be ambitious. Transitiong to the "college life" is hard especially when you're a long way from home. I was put in a lot of "adult like'' situations such as buying everything I need with little help, taking care of myself, and learning how to grow up fast because I am no longer able to call my mom or dad and have them by my side at every moment.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would mainly focus on focus. The main objective to learn while being in college is to remain focused in whatever it is that you choose to do. Coursework and parties may seem hard to balance but is all about maintaining focus and you can find a way to do both. At the end of the day, the most important thing you're working towards is your degree and everything else will still be there (i.e. parties, socializing). I would also tell myself not to stress! If you spend your time crying about every obstacale, you will always be depressed. Life is full of dissapointments and a part of life is learning to handle them and still focus on the goal ahead.


If i could go back to my high school years and give myself some advice, I'd tell myself to keep my GPA up so that school can be paid for. I would also tell myself to be more involved in sports so that I could recieve athletis scholarships. I was a little bit mean in high school and I would tell myself to get more involved in the community to relieve some of the stress and pressure. I stayed out of school a year before i graduated so I would tell myself to go ahead and go to school right after graduation. Most of all, I would tell myself to go to college and make the best of it because you only get your college years one time. Go make life-long friendships and make a better brighter future for yourself and the future generation.


If I could go back in time and give myself advise as a senior in high school I would tell myself to discipline myself better when it comes to studying and doing my work. I had a bad habit of procrastination when I first came to college so I was not fully prepared for the amount of work I would have to do, which affected my grades. I would also tell myself to manage my money better. i was not the best when it came to managing money so i had to learn the hard way when it came to having my books and materials for school.


If I could go back in time, I honestly would tell myself how to handle certain situations. For example, I grew up with a learning disability. When I’m in school, it takes longer for me to process this in my head. When I read something, it’s like a foreign language to me. I’m not a strong writer but when I write I come to life. I’m still trying to cope with my learning disability because it is a different setting from high school and college. So If I was able to go back in time I would tell myself to just take one step at a time, because if you rush though everything you will give yourself more stress then you need to. And that is not healthy at all.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school student I would say, "what is for you, will not pass you." Being in college i learned things that are for me academic wise or friendship wise will not pass me. If i work hard for a grade then i earn that grade and that grade will not pass me! If friends are suppose to be my friends forever they will not pass me. I should not have to change myself to earn friends or a grade. Making my transition to Clark Atlanta made me learn a lot so far and i wish i could have known the information i know now when i was a high school senior.