As a senior in high school, the first step is to apply for scholarships now. although you can still apply in college, you become overwhelmed with school work and activities. Make sure you stay on top of your grades and keep a grade point average above a 3.75. Become involved in campus actitves. Do not join too many clubs because you do not want to over extert yourself. Make your name known in a positive manner. Aquire a small group of friends who are as ambitious as you are. Leave the games behind you because it is time to get serious about life. This is a time to find yourself and make something of yourself. Do not get lost in the world around you. Keep focused and never give up.
The advise I would give myself is that to stay on task because time flies by in college. Also look for scholarship because college is not a easy to pay for.
I would tell myself to do what you want to do and study alot harder, try not to get senoritis too early. I would also tell myself not to rush senior year. This is a time where everything is basically handed to you. When you go off to college you have to work for everything that you want, so take advantage of this time now. You don't have anything to lose.
I would advice myself to apply for more scholarships so i will not be forced to take out loans.
If I were to go back into time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say self, and self would say hmm? And I would respond saying, please do not fall into the cracks of college. Make sure you obtain the necessary skills from high school such as writing well and being able to read and interpret long passages. Also, my advice to my younger self would be to continue to do what you are doing. Being President of Future Business Leaders of America, member of National Technical Honors Society, member of the National Beta Club, Top 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the graduating class ranked number 31 out of 210 with a gpa of 3.7 while committing to after school volunteer work with a local non-profit organization are all wonderful accolades that will take you very far. Keep up the great work Jazmine and in college you will be a great success.
I would say stay buckeled down and have your options open. Don't be solely stuck on one school, apply to several, and get admission deadlines out of the way. Apply for various of scholarships because in the long run it will be worth it. College is fun , but you also have to manage your time and be mindful of your priorties. You have to be able to work and play and most of all study and make sure your professors know exactly who you are.
If I had the oppurtunity to travel back in time and give myself pointers about college life I would tell myself to become agressive with the search for scholarships. So many times during my Senior year of high school I got distracted when I should have been searching for scholarships. My matriculation so far has been some what stressful due to financial problems. These problems could have been avoided if i would have taken the time to look for scholarships to put towards my education. I had so many chances to apply but I was such a procratinator then and still even to this day I suffer from procrastination only now I have more drive to help my mother as she struggles on a daily basis to see me receive a college education. So I would sit myself down and tell him how much easier scholarships would make life for our family. I would then give him tips on time management and share how important studying is in college. Surely after he recovers from the shock of my visit he would begin to absorb the knowledge being given and become a greater versions of myself.
Gain more knowledge when it comes to financial aid, apply to as many scholarships as you can. Never give up, when it comes to acheiving your goals and dreams.
The advice I would give myself is that you should follow your dreams and do not settle for a job as a waitress or in fast food just because you finished high school. You graduated from high school onthe honor roll and have the ability to do anything you want!
You should fulfill your dream of being a pilot and joined the Air Force. You may have been retired by now in addition to getting benefits such as money to go to college to prepare you financially for life for when you are older. Don't wait until you are 48 years old to return to school, when its harder and you now work full-time to pay the bills and try to find scholarships for someone is returning to college to re-career themself. You may have to help support your mother who is now disabled and needs financial assistance in addition to taking time weekly to help them do some of their daily needs. This is quite challenging when you are trying to get good grades in college as you strive to obtain a better life to be able to provide that needed support your parent needs.
I would give myself the advice of better preparing myself. I would have made a better effort in attending more advanced classes, such as English courses. College is all about having the ability to write an outstanding essay. It’s a lot more challenging when your skills in writing aren’t on the college level.
Also, I would have also decided to immediately go to college once I graduated high school. Also, I should had applied for numerous scholarships to help financially. Financing for college is one of the most stressful aspects to overcome as a student.