As a high school student, you dont truly know everything that college/career life will particularly present to you. By the time you reach your senior year you've already changed your mind about three different career choices, & college majors. You dont truly understand the importance of your future, you're kind of just going with the standard "high school student" approach such as ( what your friends are doing, what pays the most money, or what your parents has been pressuring you to do etc.) However, once you enter the college life everything all of a sudden changes. You don't have teachers making you go to class or do your work. You no longer have the privalege to abuse free Education, & every failed course will cost to be retaken. It's truly the decision you make that will determine the outcome of your life forever. Knowing this as a college student now I would tell the HS Eboni to listen and pay attention. Understand that when your parents and teachers say "I already have my degree" Its to make you the best person that you can be, and to be thankful for those who cared and ordered your steps.
As a first year college student, adapting to the new environment wasn't easy. Being on my own and not having any rules to follow was an adventure for me. I didn't always manage my time in the most responsible way. I would wait until the last minute to finish an assignment which would cause me to stay up to about 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning while having a class at 8am. If I could go back in time, I would have told myself to manage my time better and to put my school work before my friends. In some occasions, I did not put my school work before my relaxing time which caused a lot of stress on me because I was trying to make sure that I would receive a good grade on the assignment and get it done in time. Managing time is one of the most important things you need to know before entering college. If I were to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself it is okay to have fun but your school work is more important.
I would tell myself that college tution is not joke so study, and work hard. You can have fun, but school should always come first. Make sure I also maintain Honor Roll or High Honor Roll at all times. I deserve the best and to achieve the best I have to work hard. Slacking off should never happen. Also that school clubs are very important and I should've been in more. A job is very much so necessary for me, and to save all the money I can, because sometimes scholarships don't pay for everything.
Briana, okay listen and listen very well. Whatever mom tells you just do it don't back talk, don't put it off until the next day or the next. Just do it, the advice may get on your nerves but take advantage of everything she tells you. While your taking classes right now start looking into colleges and medical schools you want to go attend and even hospitals you want to work in. Also, whenver you hear about a scholarship do it, no matter! Talk to all counselors and advisors even talk to our cousins that have been to college ask about everything from housing, meal plans, books, tuition, everything. Schedule lots of campus visits and always always always complete your FAFSA on time or whenever mom gets her taxes completed, but don't forget to have fun.
If I could speak to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to work way harder and be more involved. In high school I did farely well often just a bit more than expected. Also in high school I was a bit shy and afraid to be outgoing. Now looking back I see how those lazy and reserved time lead to missed opportunites. However, now entering my sophmore year I know what it takes to succeed and I am now more outgoing and very dedicated to my work. Sometimes, it just takes time to wake up and take advantage of what life has to offer.
If I could go back in time when I was a senior in high school, I would give myself advice about being more focused and steadfast in my studies. During my senior year I was more focused on attending events and partying when I should have been more focused on making my G.P.A. higher. If I would have been more focused, I wouldn’t have to be as worried about financial aid as I am now. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships and get involved in more clubs, societies, etc… I would also tell myself to study harder for the ACT and for my AP courses. I would also explain that even though parties may seem important at that moment, in the future grades are the most important thing. I would tell myself to be more open to meeting new people and engaging with people who aren’t familiar to me. Overall, I would advise myself to be more focused and expansive, because the transition to college will be easier if I applied that advice to my life.
If i could go back in time and talk to the formet high school me the first thing i would say is don't stress over new things or challenges someone may give to you. Life is full of those challenges and it's up to you to stand tall and take on these challenges to your best ability. It may not be easy and you may want to give up but hang in there and continue doing the best you can. In college there isn't anyone there for you to wake you up or remind you to do your homework. It's up to you to make all the decisions that will help your life. Of course you're going to miss your family and wish that you was back at home laughing with your family and friends, but im here to tell you that its not going to be the end. Its going to get easier as you go on and you will learn to love being independent and the college enviroment. We will succeed just keep doing your best and remember what you learned over the years, no matter what your will come out on top.
If I could go back in time and give myself some advice as a high school senior, I would say to myself focus on your GPA and SAT/ACT scores. I believe that your GPA and SAT/ACT scores are your ticket to funding your education. I am now struggling to fund my education because my GPA and SAT/ACT scores are just normal. College should be an option for all students who what to attend however it is not. If you GPA and SAT/ACT scores are not above average your funding supply becauses very limited. Take the extra steps to make sure you are passing your classes with a "B" are better. Take the prep classes that are offered to assist you with getting good SAT/ACT scores. Still enjoy your extra activities and give back to the community but make sure you focus on your GPA and your SAT/ACT scores because being successful with those two will be your ticket to fund your education.
If I could go back to high school I would have told myself that my freshman year was the most important year. I would have altered my study habits and listened to my parents. I was in such a hurry to get out of high school. I would now tell myself to sit back, relax and enjoy. It is all about learning to find some type of balance.
Please make sure that you are fully commeted and ready for college life. Eating top ramen and and ice cream everyday is not going to cut it. You WILL need to learn how to cook, or you'll end up starving! Remember that you do have family that will help accomidate your food needs as well. If you need to take a year off, try to do it before your first year of college. Do not take any other 'breaks' once you have started or you may get side tracked. It's fine to second guess your major however make sure that you are second guessing because you found something else that you truley want to do and not just because of the money. There will be hard times and I don't just mean the money. You will also have tough classes and will have to learn how to manage your classes between both your work and social life. Don't get to stressed when taking a hard class, there are more than enough different options for you when you need help. But most of all remember that no matter how hard college life gets, you can do this!