Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


I would have wanted to know more about work study and more about scholarships and financial aid options that were available to me. I would have also considered being closer to home more as well.


I would advise myself to keep my GPA up . A good GPA will allow me to qualify for more scholarships. I would also advise myself to save more money . School is very expensive !


If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell myself to work harder and stay more focused on my work. I would also encourage myself to study more even when I might find the material to be easy at times. The more you study, the more you will learn and it will benefit as you further in your career path. I would be more outgoing and form more study groups so it gives you time to interact with students and learn at the same time instead of having to allow time to socialize when you could be using that time to study. I would also tell myself to apply for more scholarhips before entering college so it will be easier to maintain a healthy mind without having to stress whether you get to stay in school or not and having others take out many loans.


If given the chance to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, the advice I would give myself is time management and get tutors. This would be the best adive for me as a senior in high school because the work is different. In college homework, and studying require more time and effort than in high school. When you put in more time for your work in college you are guarenteed to see better results. I failed to do that my freshman year in college. I had nobody tell me the importance of time management, but now I realize how important it is. i would also tell myself as a senior in high school do not be afraid to recieve help. Most college students have tutors to help them reach their academic goal. Getting a tutor does not mean you are not able to do the work. Recieving help from a tutor means that you want to do better than before or those around you. If given the chance I would make sure as a senior in high school I knew this. If I knew what i know now, then I would be fine.


Always put school first make it your number one priority and make sure to develop a relationship with your professors because they can really help you out when its crunch time. Apply for as many scholarships as possible and look for programs and certifications you can take while still enrolled as a student because all these jobs require specialized training. Also become involved in the different clubs around campus. There are so many things to do and it could help you to become a well rounded person. Most importantly spend your money wisely because those days when your broke will hurt your feelings. Overall the HBCU experience you will love my dear and you will see and exprience things that you thought only existed in the movies. You know how to keep the boys at bay and with all the LBTG pride going on you might have to keep a few girls at bay as well. Never throw shade or judgement and keep the good people when you find them.


I wouldn’t speak to my former self about college at all. When I was in High School, college was one of the furthest things from my mind, a fact that I regret more than anything else in my life. That is exactly what I would say to myself , I would tell me just how much I would come to regret what I had done here, all the time I wasted, where I could have been if I had realized that there was so much more to those years than I had ever thought. I doubt this would have gotten through; I would have most likely laughed at my future self and continued doing exactly what I was doing. It bothers me now, as it will probably do so for most of my life. However, I will not have to go back in time for these mistakes to benefit someone, my children will hopefully benefit and something tells me that will be good enough.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, the first thing I would say is: Don't worry and go with the flow. I have found that everything usually works out in the end. Things might seem to be going all wrong, but it just makes it that much sweeter when things go right. If you are able to not stress out and take things as they come life will be much more simple. The days will go on all by themselves and worrying isn't going to make things go any differently. That being said, planning is very important. The trick is to not plan too much and not to worry. Be prepared for whatever changes might happen, but don't overthink it. This is definitely harder said than done, but being aware of how you deal with stress is the first step. Once you are aware you can try to change how you react. To summarize: Know you to react to stress in order to change. Make plans. Don't overthink. Don't worry. Sometimes you have to go one day at a time. Good luck, self! You'll do fine!


I would educate myself more on the different types of loans and how the financial aid departments for the particular schools that I applied to. By being more educated on loans and the financial department I would have saved myself from a whole lot of worry and stress my freshman year. I would also advise myself to look for and apply for more scholarships offered by the school and locally. Another thing I would advise myself on is to keep up with university deadlines. I missed the opportunity of being considered for scholarships offered by the school my freshman year that I was well qualified for because I missed the deadline. If I would have met the deadline to be considered for scholarships I would have not struggle financially my freshman year. Other advice that I would give to myself is to be strong. Being away from home and being on your own is very hard.


Don't prcrastinate. Always go to class. Don't Party too much. These are common things that many kids are told during their senior year and preparing for college. Now that I have walked down that path I wish I was able to give myself some advice that would have made my transition from high school to college a whole lot smoother. First, I would tell my self not to procrasinate. Doing last minute work is not as simple as it was in high school. I have spent many late nights and even nights without sleeping doing last minute work. I would tell myself to always attend class. Missing class could get a person very behind. Don't party too much. Its ok to have fun, but always remember school should always be a major priority. The last thing I would say is to form a relationship with your teachers and peers because they could be the same people to help you throughout your matriculation in college.


I would tell myself to find a college that was affordable, that offered scholarships and one that had a really good program for my intended major. I'd basically tell myself to research every school that I was interested in attending and to pick a school that would really benefit me. Not a school that's well known because of the hype it gets for it's paties or simply because of the city it's located in. I would also tell myself to fill and apply to as many grants and scholarships there were because it would definitely help in the long run. Not only for me, but for my parents as well.