It has been valuable to attend Clark Atlanta University because it teaches you about yourself. I have learned endurance, perseverance, and self-determination in the course of my matriculation for the past two school years. You learn numerous skills needed in order to excel in the real and corporate world. I have learned how to implement skills through gained experiences in all aspects of life. Clark Atlanta University has enhanced my character and has ultimately made me a better person. One who is no longer afraid of commitment and welcomes competition. The students and faculty as a whole treat me and each other with the utmost respect and my peers are like family to me. The professors except nothing but the best and pushes all of their students out of their comfort zone. We all strive for success and Clark Atlanta University has instilled in us the drive and motivation to excel for the rest of our lives.
I've gotten maturity out of my college experience! I've matured in ways I would have never imagined! I also became more focused on my future, due to surrounding myself with positive and driven people! I know that failure is not an option and that to get to the top takes hard work. Nothing is ever given to you, if you really want it you should know that it takes hard work and dedicationg and you should be willing to devote that to yourself.
College has taught me discipline and to be more responsible. Even though i attended a 2year community college first, nobody was there to wake me up for school or make me do my homework. I have yet to experience the University life of being in a dorm and having no parental supervision. My goal is to be a Teacher, hopefully in my hometown and a college education is definetly required for that career choice. Both of my parents only have associate degree and since I am the eldest child i would love to make my parents proud and achieve my bachelor's degree and eventually my Master's. I want my parents to feel as if them paying for part of community college experience was not a waste and that I can be the child that they were successful in raising.
During my college experience I have made alot of new friends and alot of networking from people about my careers. I have got to know alot of interesting talented individuals. Coming here was not my first choice college, but I am happy to be here, coming here has taught my alot about black people and have also expanded the way iI think and feel about things. I can't wait to start school again. Plus CAU is a very known school, it makes me feel good to be apart of this college.
What Favorite part is the excitement of being somewhere new and least favorite is having to be responsible for everything getting done. I got out of college experience is I work really very in school. I had so much fun, but at the same time I worked so hard. went away , lived in the dorms and ate the college food. I met wonderful friends who I am still in-touch with till today. Freshman year I had a great time meeting new people, going to my classes, and having a good time.
i have grown so much during my matriculation through clark atlanta university. the lessons learned and the friendships made have exceeded the classroom. being able to leav e my home state and learn about the different cultures and the experience of having different roommates and dealing with different personalities. knowing how balance your time and working while goin to school . knowing and learning what it means to be an adult. i am very grateful for Clark Atlanta for growning me into a man. the lessons i have learned there still amaze me, From the classroom and corporate case study's to political rallies and petitions.
Attending college has offered me a range of new experiences and lessons that I believe are unique to the college experience. My professors and peers have taught me much more than simply the structured programs that were intended to be taught. Beyond the academics my college experience has taught me the importance of time management and organization through juggling class schedules, homework, lab time, and work. It has also given me the opportunity to meet and befriend people from different backgrounds and cultures that I never would have had the opportunity to meet otherwise.
This experience has offered me the chance to experience financial and personal independence, while still attending school, and working toward my degrees. I believe that it has been one of the most important milestones in my life, and that I have gained a lot of wisdom from the people I?ve met and the situations I?ve faced. I continue to look forward to the experience and know that I will continue to learn from it.
So far out of my college experience, I've learned how to come out of my shell and become more social. I found this helpful because my major is business and I feel I do need networking skills. Networking skills are very important becuase you need people's help and they may be able to assist you in more ways then you think. You will meet so many people that have your similiarities and interests that its hard not to join clubs that give you benifits. Having such skills is very valuable for me becuase it teaches me how to interact and form relationships with people. It's also valuable to attend this school becuase you get an experience like no other. Clark Atlanta University gives you friends that you build life long friendships with, professors who care about your education, extracurricular activities where you gain leadership skills and an education that will prepare you for the future that lies ahead. Attending this university was a great dicision and I hope to continue having great experiences as I matriculate through my school years.
Throughout highschool I went through a lot of hard times, one of which I gave birth to my son my sophmore yr. After that I worked hard to get the grades I did and to be my very best. When I got to college, it made me see that adulthood was really here, and I had big dreams. During my 1st yr of college, I learned a lot about myself. I've learned that life has no pause button, and no matter what goes in one's personal life, life still goes on. There were planty of times where I wanted to press "pause" but couldn't. College made me a more stronger and more motivated woman, better yet, a more stronger young mom. College teaches life lessons that builds character and perseverance. Its the stepping stone for a more prosperous and happy life. Its so valuable cause its giving me the chance to give my son the world.