I believe parents and students should go with their hearts when choosing a college. Choose according to what best fits you as a person. Choose a college that will not only challenge you mentally but help you to stay focused. Also be sure that this college benifits your future helping you achieve your ultimate goals and the careers that you wish to persue. Lastly in order to make the most of your college expierience study hard and have fun. Remember to make life long friends, creating unforgetable friendships that last a life time. Overall, college is a big part of your life so perseverance is a must, be strong, dont give up, go after your dreams and succeed because in the end when you get that degree you will know it was all worth it.
When searching for the right college, keep your mind open, wher you think you will be happy may leave you longing for more. Also, if you run into some road blocks in the begining stick out for a semester and then make your decision to stay or not.
Get involve and research as much as possible. Take as many visit to different campuses; seeing the school on a pamphlet is different from being there for a day. This way the student would know what environment he/she would be comfortable in.
In selecting the right college to attend, parents and students must plan early. With looking for a college to attend, students and parents should also apply for scholarships. This process can begin as early as freshmen year in high school. The tedious search should progress into junior year and be complete at least by the second semester of the students senior year. Each high school is inclined with a college prep center where parents and students can meet with a counselor. Counselors are a very pertenant source because they can help narrow the college search down tremendously. They do this by viewing the students academic record to see where they stand GPA wise. SInce some colleges accept students on a academic basis, GPA is very important. GPA also plays a major role in what scholarships students can apply for. Students and parents should also visit each school so that they may be aware of what the school offers. Students and parents can then decide how big the school will be, if it's private or pubic, and what extra-curricular activities they have. Furthermore, they can view meal plans and campus housing policies. Once finished, the search is complete.
Do research very early in the high school, do A LOT of community service, know what schools exactly you are applying for summer of the senior year.
Research everything; from fin aid to the area surrounding the school. Make sure everything is accessible from the school or there is public transportation for thier child
Find a university that is student-oriented. Be patient and flexible with every new person you meet. Every new person can teach you a lesson that will prepare you for the future.
Applying and deciding on any college or university can be a very difficult decsion. It is up to both the parent and prospective student to decide what they want out of an institution; from setting to what major they plan on studying. All these factors weigh heavily with any decsion for school. My best advice is to go with your instinct, but once you decide research more, even visit the campus to get a real feel for what student life will be like on that particular campus.
I would tell them to make sure the school have wonderful and very educated teachers. Choose a school where there is plenty of help from the faculty, staff, and your peers. Make sure there is tutoring class to help you. Also make sure it is somewhere you really want to be at and is comfortable. Go and tour the school first before you enroll. See if there is extra activities that you can particapate in. Also find some friends or study buddies that you can study with or hang out with. Last but not least always study. Do not let your soical life get in between your school work. Try no always strive for excellence and enjoy your college life!
Finding the right college for you can be extremely challeging. Making sure you choose the right place can be made easier. Every college or university has a website. Use that as your primary resource. On the website they will guide you, you can veiw tuition and fees, housing, meal plans, programs of studies and much more. After you have your top eight to ten colleges, then you can start taking tours of the campuses. See how diverse they are, how many students in each class room. Make fun out it, plan to go to the same college as some of your friends? Then why not make it a road trip? Finding the right college can take some time, so make sure you start searching early. Junior year is an ideal time to start. By then you should know what you would like to study for the rest of your life. Take your time and ask questions!