Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


College has allowed me to come into my own person and discover what I want to do in my life. I always had a vision of myself doing great things, but it wasn't until I went to college, and studied abroad that I learned what my real passion is- serving the masses. College is what you make it, and my time here has been transformational! I've set personal goals and accomplished them, experienced dropping out for a semester, been homeless, lost and restored relationships and have gained so much independence that I feel over 6 feet tall. College is an investment in yourself, one in which your return is far more greater than any stock or bond can ever have. You don't need a degree to succeed in life, but to have something that no one can ever take from you is a sure pathway to it.


I began school at a community college. I experienced a lot of social growth and development. I was on the track team, Student Union, and Black Student Association. I learned leadership skills that would help me to develop my own non-profit organization and do a lot of work in management. After the encouragement of a professor I continued my education at a HBCU. In my junior year I learned that I was pregnant and that I had dysplasia and HIV, I was alone without my daughter's father support. But my professors rally around me and supported me even more and my grades went up in a time of extreme adversity as a result. I gained strength and wisdom from them and they pushed me to always strive for my very best. In life this has helped me to live positively as health as a person can be with HIV, cancer free and I have had a trail of successes in work as a founder and executive director of my own non-profit organization, management, community liaison, advocate and speaker and now I would like to continue to improve upon my past with a Masters degree in Social Work.


I have learned many life lessons through my experiences here at Clark Atlanta. First off, studying ahead of time really does pay off. Secondly, knowing how to talk to people really can get you a long way when you?re lacking experience. Most importantly, getting what you really want isn?t always easy but if you work hard enough at it, it will eventually come. I believe that coming to Clark has been one of my best choices in life. I have learned so much through my many experiences here, and I?m proud to be able to call myself a CAU Panther. Clark Atlanta University is, in my opinion, the best school a young, black, intelligent individual can attend. This school is full of academic and social challenges, but if you?re able to see it through to the end, there will be great rewards.


I have gotten alot out of my college experience thus far, one of the important things that I have realize is that one has to want to achieve greatness in order to stay in college. While although their were many destractions such social events and things of that nature, I continue to push and strive towards my ultimate goal. I have made numerous of friends and learned alot about myself and grown to mature into a responisble adult who can mangage her money as well as her time. I know now that there is always time to play just as long as you complete what you came to college to do first. This is something that some of my peers failed to realize and because of that they are now force to leave school or not return next semester. I learned that if you want to do better surround yourself with those who have the same mind set as you. As I continue to mention all of these different lessons that I have learned during my college experience, I know that it was a valuable move to attend Clark Atlanta University because I may not have learned this anywhere else.


So far i have experienced the student life and acdemic life togther,the as a whole has help me to have fun and stay focus all at once.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself don't let others influence you to do wrong and be yourself. I would also say do a lot of scholarships cause they will help and so many ways.


I would tell my self to look into more options as far as schlorships and to be n volveed into more school activites, ans sports. I would aslo tell my self to hit the books just a little bit more harder. Other than that k I prepared my self well for college.


Wow. Well i would tell myself two very important things. Make sure that you are ready, and by ready i mean your mind and body are really focused and dedicated to the college life style. You have to be very strong minded beacuse the weak minded dont survive here. Come in to college with a open mind and open heart and try to experience as many possive activities as you can. be involved around campus, that way you build a positive name for yourself. I would also tell myself to make sure i am finacial stable or be willing to give up on everyday luxuries. Make a buget plan so you know where your money is going and how much your spending. All of these simply but life changing things would have helped me alot.


The advice that I would give myself if it was possible, I would let myself know [as a senior] to make sure that each and every single aspect is covered. From financial aid to saving money for miscellaneous expenses, be prepared to pay several visits to the office of financial aid and student accounts in order to maintain knowledge of financial status, and remain consistent when it comes to applying for scholarships and grants, because they will be of good use if awarded. Always ask around to see what opportunities are available, because it would take a large amount of pressure off your mother, who is a single parent struggling to make ends meet. Be prepared to work, and work hard, for college is not a time to kick back and cruise, it will pay off in the long run. It makes a difference to utilize the connection of the people you meet in the next four years, they may be able to help you get where you want to be; you never know who is watching you.


Transitioning from high school to college is a big step for most students. For some students the transition can be a walk in the park. But for most other students the transition can be very difficult. Having been through the process, I am happy to give a few steps to help make your transition smooth. The first step to help you will be to set a study schedule for your classes. Make sure you have an alarm clock, a planner, and a group of friends who will support you during your matriculation into the institution. Begin to establish proper eating habits, and enjoy your first year of college but do not get too involved in partying. There are those students in high school who probably don?t have to study or even a crack a book in order to pass to their classes. Maybe that?s not you. However, if your experience is like mind, you never had to study in high school and managed to do well in your classes. You are in for a rude awakening. You have to study for class. Just follow my advise and you will be successful. Iam successful I did well ! Good luck!