In regards to finding the right college, I would advice all students to select a college that fits their overall personality and long term career goals. It's very easy to get caught up in the college rush, especially if you're totally unsure about where you'd like to go. Often, when this happens, many students apply to, and in some cases attend the same colleges as their friends or significant others. Additionally, some students make major decisions regarding which college to attend based on the popularity of the school. I fell victim to the aforementioned and decided during my senior year in high school to attend Howard University. Once I arrived on campus, it only took me a few weeks to realize Howard was not the place for me. I was home sick after having traveled over ten hours away from home, and I was lost on campus because I had foregone taking a campus tour because of the distance. That following semester, I transferred to CAU. It's only 4 hours from home, the classes are smaller, and the campus offers a better variety of courses for my major.
In order to find the right college, you will need to know, or have an idea of what you would like to study. After you have decided on that, you will need to pick places that you would like to live and be most comfortable at. When you have come to that decision, you will need to do your research on schools in the particualr area. I would recommend choosing at least four colleges to apply to. To make the most out of your college experience, you schould interact on campus and just have fun. But the most important thing is to not forget about your work. Good Luck :)
Parents and students should visit the school prior to enrolling. They should speak with the faculty and staff to insure that they are making the best decision.
i would tell the parents that it is very important that your child finds the right school to attend. that is why you should let them pick it and be supportive of them. getting a good college experience is a good experience for any college student. so make sure you have fun get involved.
Make sure you save as much money as possible and have your child participate in many job shadowing opportunities so that they will have an idea as to what it is they want to study when they get to college. TRUST ME it will save you a lot of money and time in comparison to students who constantly change their major and still are not happy at where they stand when it comes to a future career.
Visit the college and know exactly what your major will be.
The most important advice I could give to parents and students is to do your research. Look at every school that offers what you want. Do not settle for the popular school. Take your time and visit each school, stay on campus in one of the dorms; go to one of the classes. Really get a feel of the enviornment of the school. Could you see yourself walking around this campus? or attending one of these classes? By doing this you will get to see the school for more than its academics but for its social atmosphere also. This will also help you make the most out of your college experience also. Being in a school atmosphere that makes you comfortable helps transition from being home with your parents and high school friends to being on your own with your college buddies.
Make sure you visit and weight your options out!
Stay academically focused.
The advice I would give students and parents is to take all the time they need to select the right school. Do your research both online and in person. Go to the campus during a regular school day to see how students interact with each other. Ask to speak to current students to get a view of their personal experiences. Don't go to a school just because that's where your friends plan to go. Although it's nice to start off on familar grounds, it is much more exciting to meet new people. If you are looking at a school out of state, do research on the city where college reside. Alot of schools are in major cities so it is a good idea to know the surrounding area. Parents support your son or daughter. Be involved in research process. Talk to professor, administrators and teachers. Don't rely on your son or daughter to give you all the info on the school. You are the best advocate and the one they need to give them practical advice and resolutions.