If I could go back in time and talk to myself my senior year in high school I would give myself advice on scholarships, to take advantage of them because they will become helpful while in college. Also, I would advice myself to make friends, become social, it makes the transaction much more easier when you have new people in your life. Tell myself that not everyone will be your friend some will just be individuals that you meet, others will be just classmates but then you will have a few that will become friends for life. Last get active in the school, get known by the upper classmen and the faculty and staff. Show them that your are an outstanding individual that is ready to learn and is willing to learn. I would tell myself to get ready to have the best and worst time of your life.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I now in life. The advice I would give myself is to explore all possiblies, and be aware that college is a time you really discover who you are.
If I were a high school and could go back in time as to talk to myself as a present day high school senior, I would first emphasis how important it is to stay focus and learn as much as I could during my matriculation in high school. Another thing I would tell myself is to make sure that you sign up for as many scholarships and grants as possible because the economy now a days is not as well as it has been in previous years. I would also tell myself to sign up for as many colleges and universities as you can because it is important to have options when choosing what college/university you would like to attend to get a degree. Also, have an idea of what you would like to do or have as a major because this will help you with choosen your college/university. The last thing I would tell myself is to be open minded now and participate in as many activities as possible and high school so that you will have an idea of what you would like to do in college, plus this would look good on your college application.
i would tell myself that it is very easy to get distracted, no matter what stay focused and always go to class. get help with your work because it makes it as twice as hard tryin to do things by yourself. you will have alot of free time so time management is key to your succes here on campus. hang around people that do their work so you can feed off of each other and continue to push each other to getting what you have to do done. there is always gooing to be parties and other fun stuff to do, so dont worry about missin out because you have an essay or project to do, get your work done. work now play later!!
make sure you know what you want to do before you get there have all you funds together. make sure you are ready to be on your own.
Adive i would give parents and/or Student about finding the right college and making the most of their college experience is to first make sure that they are financial stable or that they have found a collge that gives out ample amounts of financial aid! A college that is paid for will make for a better experience!
The advice I would give to incoming college students and their parents would be to visit the school and it's area first. Go out to popular resturants, malls, grocery stores and parks in the area. This way you can get a feel of the people that will be living in your community and get familair with the area for your own knowing. Also by visiting, you can hope to meet a few current college students their who can relay some advice and also tell of their experiences at the school. Just to visit the school before attending would be the best advice of all. Look at the dorms or on-campus apartments you may like to live in. Get to know what you are getting yourself into. Be aware of your new life style!
I would tell incoming freshman to look for a school that you will have fun at but also achieve academically. You have to go into college as a maturing adult and come out a matured adult with that degree. Peer pressure can be tough especially if you are away from home but you have to have your head on straight, HAVE FUN but be SUCCESSFUL!!!!
Look for a college that speaks to your personality and being. Do not look for a school that is going to transform you into a different person but rather a place that will give you incentive to work harder and better yourself. The most important college experience is the networking advantage and all the people that you come into contact with , it is amazing .
Make sure that you narrow down your search to about five colleges and then take time off to visit them. Make a list of all of the questions you want to be answered before you begin the visits, and don't be afriad to ask them. Also while you on the visits, talk to actual students. Ask them how they like it and what are the pros and cons of the college. You should also check out the areas surrounding the colleges.