Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


Maker sure you know what you kind of school you are looking for. Research your schools history and graduation rates. Learning about how a campus functions is a good thing to know.


I cannot stress enough about campus visits! If it wasn't for me visiting the colleges I was accepted to I would be a very unhappy student. After the campus tour go off and find where your major is housed. Check out the classrooms during sessions. Never go during the summer! You want to see how the college is in full effect! And remember the many financial options you have. The higher the GPA the more scholarship opportunities there are.


Finding the right college or university is the most important decision that a student will make in his/her entire life. Chosing a college should be a pre- planned and well thought out process in which all final decisions should be made by the student. In pre-planning for finding the right college the student should take into consideration the location of the school, their field of study, and how they plan to finance their education. Though in most cases the parent is financially responsible for the student's college expenses the student should make the final decision because attending a college in which they do not want to be will result in a terrible college experience. A terrible college experience will be a strain on both the student and parent. The student should always make the best of their college experience because it is a once in a lifetime experience in which many life lessons will be learned, many friends will be made, and much extraordinary knowledge will be gained. Finding the right college and college experiences will provide the student with some of the best memories in which they will never forget or regret whether good or bad.


Make sure the college fits the students image, as well as affordable for the family.


Look into what your child wants in a school. Look at every aspect of the school that you are interested in. Go on campus visits and try to stay for a few nights to see what life is like in the area on and around campus. Do not base everything on the tutition, there are plenty of scholarships, grants, loans, etc. out there to help you go to the school of your choice.


The advice that I would give future students about attending college is to m,ake sure you feel like home at your school of choice. Don't make a decision on where to go to school based on someone elses view because ultimatly you are the one that has to survive there. You have to fit the school, so don't try to make the school fit you. Also make sure you get involved in campus activites and introduce yourselves to lots of people that you meet on a daily basis. Doing this will help new students break out of being so overwhelmed with everything that they are being placed into. It will also help build your list of associates because in college it is good to have multiple people to be able to go to for help, advice, or just to have someone to hang out with on a saturday afternoon. Lastly, stay focused on why you are in school in the first place. Set goals for yourself and make a list of them so you can check them off, and by the time you are finished it will be time for graduation. Good luck and enjoy the experience.


The most crucial piece of advice I would give any student on making the decision of which college to attend is to go on as many college tours as you can and not to make a decision based solely off the school's brochures.


Make sure you visit the college campus and speak with current students about everything about the school. Most importantly if financial aid is a big factor find out from current students and what your financial aid will be there. Also, make sure there college is close to local stores and local transportation so if they needed anything they can have a way to the store and there is a store close by. Always keep in touch with your child while in college but dont be too overbearing. college is stressful and most students need space but dont want to be forgotten about so keep in touch and help out when necessary.


You want to find a college that fits your personality as well as in a good area. You dont want to be 60 miles from the nearest mall or grocery store which is the case with some of my friends. The most important thing about college is time mangement you have alot of free time on your hands and if all you do is lay around you wont pass your classes.


I strongly advise parents and students to visit the college. Do not choose a school because of the "great" things you've heard. Locate someone that attends the school and get the inside scoop, both positive and negaitve. Parents, if your child wants to go away, let them, just be aware of the living situation and areas surrounding the school. When you enter school do not be shy, make friends. Attend functions and events and be active on campus. Have fun going out and exploring the surrounding areas and what it has to offer but do not get caught up in the hype of what everyones doing and lose your focus on school. Your first objective is school, once you have that everything will fall into place. New things comes with new experiences. If you mess up, brush yourself off, learn from it and keep it moving. Always be attentive of whats going on around you and never be scared to voice your opinion. Use all the availablities and resources your school has for you. College years are the years that make history; new life, friends, and people so make the best of it and enjoy it to the fullest.