Don't have sex. As a senior i got prregnant with my son, and its had trying to take care of him and pay tuition. I would also say look for as many scholorships and grants as you can ahead of time don't wait until your in college to start looking. Don't mess around your first semester. Do the work and not be lazy.
I know you like to have fun but listen up its time to buckle down. When you first get to school there's going to be A LOT of things going on at campus that could easily distract you. There'll be parties, activities, clubs, and of course guys, but its vital that you prioritize, and manage your time wisely. No partying during the week, thats why theres weekENDS. Don't put off any work, no matter how much time you have to complete the assignment, next thing you know its due and you haven't even started. YOU ARE NOT a morning person so make sure to schedule your classes accordingly. You also DO NOT have Insomnia, set a time to go to bed and stick to it, promise it will work. Financial Aid is not fun nor easy, start looking into scholarships, and co-signers (just in case). Community Service is great , keep it up and get as many hours as possible. Take notes in class and focus, its not high school anymore the teachers won't tell you when your missing work. Keep in touch with family (they'll miss you). Ramen Noodles= Your New Best Friend
If I could go back into time, I would tell myself to apply for loans since thats the only thing i could do in order to pay for college. Also I would strongly advise myself to cut down the partying to a minimum because a lot of college kids get caught up in the social life and end up dropping out or failing out of school. I had to learn the hard way by being put on academic warning but by the grace of god one of my grades were posted late and it was high enough to place me back in good academic standing. My spring semester I have to work twice as ahrd to bring my GPA up so I wouldn't let all the freedom get to my head since in college all it really is around is a lot of negative things that gets young adults hooked onto heavy narcotics and a lot of sexual transmitted infections are rising in the college atmosphere. The last but definitely not least I would stress to myself that you pay thirty thousand dollars a year and that shouldn't be taken lightly get your money's worth .
If I were still a high school senior advice for myself would to be prepared for what college has in store for me like the deadlines for everything. I would make sure I know a lot more about the surrounding area where my school is located. I would make sure that I do everything in my power to not party hard and get a GPA 3.0 so that I can apply for more scholarships and things like that. I would learn about what my school does to help people in my situation to stay in school. I would keep tell myself to be organize and stay focus for graduation.
The first piece of advice that I would give myself with the knowledge that I have acquired in the year and a half I have been in college would be do not be afraid to succeed. Success is an important factor of life and I would tell myself to not be afraid of my goals but to conquer those goals head on. I would tell myself to be organized and knowledgably about what you do now because it can determine where you go in life, and never give up on my dreams.
If I could return to the past, I would not put so much pressure on myself to apply to college and have everything together and ready to go so quicly. I say that because I would really need to sit down and weigh all my options thoroughly even though back then I felt I had the answer to any question that was thrown at me about my college plans. Now that I have done the college thing it has me wondering if I made the right choices in my college selection. Not just because of the college or the tuition cost but because I am missing out on some of the things that would have been provided if I had done things a little differently. Since I decided to attend college out of state, nine hours away from home, I am missing out on being able to come home when I do not feel like being at school. I felt like goig out of state was the only choice as I am a fashion major. I rushed to put myself into debt. yes it is an investment but at what cost. I just ask that you think and choose wisely.
If i could go back to my self while i was in high school the advice i would say take a foreign language so that you could apply to any four-year school so that you wouldnt have to stop and transfer school throw the year. I would also tell my self appy yourself in ever subject and study hard make good grade because that what school are going look at, save money because there going be a lot of thing your going need for class and pick a major that you like and dont let people get to you .
Take your time and do not rush to graduate.
There's three steps in to transitioning from high school to college. One is to read one or more of the books on the first year of college and getting ready for freshman year. Two, many colleges will offer study courses or student-success courses your first semester or during summer orientation. I highly recommend you take a course like this. Third, do an honest self-appraisal of your strengths, weaknesses, and goals for your first year of college. What areas do you think you might struggle with? What are your stressors? How might you deal with those stressful times? Thinking these things through and coming up with a game plan for yourself is one of the best ways to manage your future. There will be many temptations in college which can get you off course, but if you keep true to the golden rule of all things in moderation, you'll make life as easy as possible.
Save your money from your summer job, you're definitely going to need it for school. Read and study throughout the year it'll keep you on point.