I would have told myself to stay more focused in high school so I could have had better grades and applied for more scholarships.
There are numerous amounts of things I have learned here in college that could have taught me a very good lesson if I were still to be a senior in high school. The most valuable lesson I have learned here would have to be the extraordinary scholarship opportunities that are available for not only incoming college students, but students who actually attend college. I say this because when filling out applications for scholarship money and grants, I only payed close attention to the awards handed out at my school versus the many other awarded opportunities I may have been possible to receive. If were still to be a senior in high school, I would greatly give advice to myself in explaining to look beyond my boundaries of trying to achieve my goals.
If I had the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to work harder. As a college freshman, you get caught up in the excitement of a new environment and you forget that your main priority is an education. It's okay to have fun, but you have to know the difference between the times when you can play and times when you have to be serious. Although I have an extra two years on me because I changed my major, I wouldn't warn myself about this decision. Even though giving myself a heads up about this change would save me a lot of time and money, I still learned a lot from my time majoring in what I did before. I wish I just would have known how important my education really is. Now, I'm struggling to raise my GPA and getting into a good nursing program, so that I can do what I really want with my life. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything, I just wish I worked harder my first couple of years in college.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior to prepare myself for college, I would definitely tell myself to be fully aware of all the resources at hand. There are numerous resources from advisement to the career center and countless more to assist you in succeeding in college. Just about any question or problem a student has can be solved through on campus resources. It is up to me to take advantage of those resources in the pursuit of my success and there is no excuse to not succeed with my ability and drive combined with the assistance that college offers.
"Tuition is no joke!" are the first words that would come out of my mouth if I could go back in time to my high school self. My advice to myself would be to take searching for scholarships seriously. The thought of taking out a $30,000 loan for two semesters is bad, but what's even worse is knowing that as soon and I graduate i will have to pay it back. If i could do it all over I would make sure that i applied for schoolarships.
go to the school that makes you happy and u will be happy at .
If i could go back in time and talk to my high school self i would tell myself to try honors classes. And start working on a resume, as well as plan out my first two years of colleege which would include what classes i would take and when.
Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise that it is never too early to prepare for success. With this information, I would expound on the strenuous process of financial aid and applying for scholarships on the pre-journey to college. Although these hurdles can be difficult to jump, I would reassure my senior self that the finish line is near and the grand prize is graduation (Summa Cum Laude) and a great career in my field! Furthermore, I would encourage on-campus housing, work study, and the CAU Honors Program. Each of these avenues will help thrust me towards networking success among both students and faculty. I would tell myself that extra-curricular activities, such as pageants, SGA, and class council are positive ventures that will make for great memories and recommendable resume boosters. If my memory serves me correctly, my senior self would have comprehended these tips and acted immediately by relaying the information to my parents, close friends and peers. However, since I was not aware of this information at the time, I am everso grateful to have learned these lessons at all.
If I were back in time as an high school senior, I would tell myself that everything I do in my classes will reflect what i will do in the future. meaning that my grades is something that i need to be focused on and not procastinating to turn in my assignments. Also "you live and you learn", don't allow one person to stop you from living and doing what you do on a regular basis. There were many of times that I allow people to define my destiny and now that I am in college I know now that I should not allow others to tell me where I will end up in life and keep pushing towards what I want to do.
Going back to talk to myself would really change the outcome of my life today. I wouls tell myself to remain focused, and work harder instead of just getting by. I would encourage the old me to better apply myself and look for scholarships and funding for school. I would prepare myself to not be so dependent on teachers to make sure that I turned in assignments and homework. I would encourage myself to wake up on time and make it to class five minutes early, at the least.