I would tell my self to look for more scholoarships. I would also tell my self when picking colleges aso look at the price t cost to go there because as of now the price of tuition is a problem.
If I could go back in time into high school I would certainly change my attitude towards my academic work. I am a senior now and get straight A's, but my most important year of high school( Junior year) I slacked off and was only an average student. I woul every better opportunites for getting more scholarships and into a better college. Although this is a huge regret on my part I still don't dwell on it, because I know I am making up for it by getting high honors now. I also take two early college courses that th EC4ME program in Maine pays for, and it is great to get ahead of the gang and start my liberal studies early. I'm also getting goo grades in these two classes. So all in all I'd tell myself to learn to work hard in high school, because it will better your future in the long run even if it doesn't seem that way.
A word of warning: It may seem like you have so much more time now that you’re not in class for 8 hours a day five days a week, but you cannot use those fifteen hours a week in class to do homework. That will take twice as much time on your own time. You won’t want to do homework on Friday night, or on Saturday, or during lunch, but if you don’t do it then you’ll spend every morning before class, sometimes at three in the morning, trying to catch up. There is no such thing as a ten minute assignment in college, and the five-hundred word essay no longer exists. Everything is new and exciting; you have freedom you never had before, and in your rush to experience it all you might forget how much you’re paying for the school you’re attending. Make the most of those classes, because if you have to leave and start up somewhere else, it’s not fun to have paid for credits you can’t use because you got an Incomplete in the class. You will never have too much time, so utilize every second.
Find out who you are. Find out what you want to do and what it takes to get there. Find out what you cannot and will not do. Find these things and stick to them. Tempation is going knock and it will knock hard, it will knock more than once, way more than once, but it is important that you stay true to yourself. Make good decisions so that you can fulfill your dreams. Struggle now for sucess later or play now struggle later. Its up to you. ! Time management is also very important. All work no play is not healthy but you need a healthy balance. Not too much work and definietly not too much play. ! But overall enjoy this time. You will never get it back.
I totally wish I could do this... I would tell myself to stop slacking and wasting time doing nothing. Stop hanging out with the friends I have been hanging out with, focus on school, apply for scholarships, and don't be lazy. I would've told myself that things would be so much easier than how it is right now If I would focus in school and only school not focusing on friends or my social life but to put all of the focus on school.
I would tell myself to calm down and not be so stressed out about it. Yes college is work but if you're willing to do it, its not that difficult. Plus I'm going to school for culiary arts so its not like I didnt have any idea what I was getting into. I would just tell myself to take some deep breaths and to relax. Also not to pack so much stuff, moving into an apartment takes a long time in the first place, but add way too much stuff into the equasion and you're in for an entire day of lugging stuff up three flights of stairs. College life hasnt really been too difficult for me so I guess the only advice I would have needed would be to relax and be confident in my abilities.
Tom, listen up! You better learn and study all that you can every day. Your future depends upon it. Get help when need it. Especially in math. You know weakest subject is math. Get a tutor. It will pay off in the long run. But most of all, dont be afraid to start college right after you graduate. It will be a lot easier to attend your classes with your friends and new friends you will make.
I would tell myself to be open minded. College can surprise a lot of students and it can make them or break them within the first semester. I would let myself know that he needs to be open minded about the things that are about to happen. Never judge and never fall off track. Always stay on the path of your goal and be acceptable to new things.
mangae my time more wisely and study more.