Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


The advice I would give myself would be to cherish every single moment in high school. There were a few times I could have put forward more effort in a few classes, and now that I realize how serious college is I wish I had done better in my high school classes. I would spent more time preparing for college and for my future versus just assuming that college is just like high school, because it's not. College has its ups and downs, its great for the experience, education, and friendships that come along with it, but its a very serious manner. How well you did in high school and in college will reflect the outcome of your future. You are the next generation. You are the future. Make your family proud.


Maturation is essential. When going to college you will be diving into the world of adulthood. You may be going to school, working a part time job, and paying a cell phone bill now. However, when you attend college you be responsible for making sure your financial aid is in order, so you can have housing and food. You will be responsible for purchasing your books for classes, attending classes on time, and reviewing your class syllabus to see when assignments are due. You will also have to learn time management. Since you are the type of person who likes to have fun; you will have to make time for attending classes, studying, and doing homework in addition to joining clubs and partying. Pace yourself, don't dive into all activities at once because you might overwhelm yourself. Give yourself time to adjust to multitasking and handling all responsibilities at once in order to be an effective scholar, group member, and leader.


You are about to start a whole new chapter in your life. Although you will have frustrations and doubts don't give up. All the sacrifices that our parents made will be your biggest motivation and that is what will set you apart from your friends. Don't let them hold you back; you know what you want out of life so go after it. As you start College remember this is not high school anymore, you can't just miss a day and hope the teacher will understand. It's your future so take responsibility for your coursework. All the classes for your general education will seem unimportant and frustrating; instead think of it as a preparation for being a teacher. Always keep in the back of your mind what your goal is and that is to be a teacher, in order to be the best for those kids you need to do the best for yourself. Enjoy your new chapter and everything you are about to embark on, it's in your hands now so don't let yourself down. You are amazing and I believe in you.


If I can go back in time to when I was a high school senior, I would talk to myself about how college life really is. I would tell myself some of the positives about being a college student, like not having to worry about getting up all hours of the morning to get to school on time nor getting from one class to another on time without getting in trouble. I would also tell myself about how I will be able to have more freedom and more time to do things, especially in between classes. I will also remind myself about some of the negatives, like essays, exams and paying for classes, especially by the deadlines. I would tell myself to save my money for class, tuition, etc., meet new people, stay in touch with the professors, keep my head in the books, and to make important payments on time.


Do not go into debt to receive an education. It's not worth it, because a good education can come from affordable schools, saving your money, and scholarships. Applying for scholarships is one of the best things you can do to get help. It's not as hard as you think, you just need to buckle down, stay motivated, and do your research. College is essential to your growth and future. You may not understand this, but college is about finding yourself and enriching your life. The academics are important and require a lot of work, but you receive more than just education. You learn important life skills like patience, ambition, getting through obstacles, and most importantly you learn a lot about yourself. College lets you do many different things, connect with different people, and work towards a goal that can change your life for the better.


MiaSwyaa'h, you have excelled very well thus far on your journey to complete undergraduate school. However, if you had the chance to make this transition from high school to college over again, here are some things you should keep in mind. Within your first semester, reach out to students and get involved on campus. Do not wait for organizations to inform you about what is going on, dive in and ask what you can do to help better the outcome of the organizations ultimate goal upon you joining. Academically, your focus and drive is there. I would not advise you to do anything differently being that you know how to ask for help before it is too late. Do something that is going to make a difference on a daily basis, even if that means just making sure one person is happy that day. Do not hold yourself back from your own success; do not be the reason you missed a good opportunity. Everything you do has purpose; so do not be afraid to take chances. Above all else, remember this phrase: "I am because we are; we are because I am... Change the world"


The best advice I could give is to stay in school. No matter what obstacles come your way, or how hard you think it is, keep pushing forward and giving it 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Staying in college and completing your degree will keep you in the path to success. Graduating college can help you get a great job and make life so much easier. You start adulthood on a better path than if you were to quit school and only have a high school diploma.


If I could advise myself high school self about college I would say three things. One being not to wait, get started right away and get it done. You will be so happy that you didn't wait and it means you can start living sooner. I would also tell myself not to settle. Don't settle for a degree that requires less time to get just because you think you don't want to be in school for that long. The time really does fly, you learn a lot, and it is fun! Lastly, I would tell myself to hold off a bit on having children and getting married. Family is great but you will have plenty of time for that. Enjoy your college years, study hard and get the full experience of going to college. Choose a degree that really matters to you because you will spend the rest of your life doing it. Get the most out of college and make a future for yourself and the family you will have someday. College is great, it gives you a great sense of accomplishment. Be wise about your decisions now they will affect the rest of your life.


"AHRON! WAKE UP! TAKE DUAL-ENROLLMENT COURSES!" Those would be the first words I would tell myself if I could go back in time. Every day in college I am reminded of what I could have done in high school to make college a lot easier. I see students on campus who are three to four years younger than I am, completely the same courses I am. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself the struggles and expenses of college, and how much easier the process is when starting early. My advice would be to take dual-enrollment courses with what time is remaining in high school, and actually participate in high school. Now for the first time in my life, in college I am an honor student in my education and with this I can see how wonderful the success feels without any dismay; I would want myself to have this same feeling before graduating high school and moving on the college.


Knowning what I know now about college life abd making the transition from high school to college, some advice that I would myself as a high school senior is make your senior year count. When graduates or adults use to tell me that senior year is one of the most important years of your life, I did not believe them until I actually entered my second semester of senior year. During your senior year, you want to make the best grades you can possibly make, apply for various amounts of colleges and universites, and last but not least apply for various amounts of scholarships because attending college is very expensive. Senior year of high school determines a lot about a persons feature. Secondly, I would tell myself to make sure that I am doing right before senior year approches because waiting last minute to do what is already needed of you to do only puts more stress and press on you. Also make sure that you are invovled in extracurricular activities because colleges like students who are diverse and can balance academics and extracurricular activies. This is the advice that I would give myself if I could go back.