Lisa you are now a high school senior and you are about to go out into the world as a grown woman. You will be making grown-up decisions and one of them is about going to college. It is very important to go to college now and explore the different options and programs you can do. First start by taking your general education classes such as english, math,science, biology, and writing. This will give you the chance to talk to the college counselors to see what you want to major in. By completing your college degree now while you are young is ideal because instead of having to depend on others you will be self-sufficient and be able to take care of yourself. You can travel, and explore your degree to the fullest. I am so proud of you for finishing and graduating from high school. You know you can complete college because you are intelligent and motivated to finish what you start. So lets enjoy out summer, have fun, and get ready for a bright and fulfilling future out in the world. God is with you, pace yourself, and don't overwhelm yourself with too much.
The advice that I would give myself would be: to save every single dime that you earn because college isn't cheap and you can't assume that the money will just be there. You need to take every opportunity to fill out scholarship information, make the best grades you can so you can receive and academic scholarship. Learn how to budget early, whether you wnat to live on campus or off campus, you have to budget and estimate what the cost of living will be, understand it, and choose accordingly.
Going throught your last year of high school, Halle you need to listen to your teachers and get the help you need on all your work. When you get to college sometimes getting a little more help from your professors can be very difficult. Also time management and organization. If you have problems now, fix them. There will be a lot of things in college that you would want to participate in or attend but if you have good time mangement and organization skills you can complete your work and have fun. One more thing, do not be afraid to socialize and get to know people. You never know who you will meet or what connections people might have that would help you now or in the future. And stay true to yourself, don't be afriad to be you and don't care about other people's opinions like you did in high school. Be you and succeed. You can do it Halle!
The first thing I would say would be its doesn't seem like its important to study or to stay focused and your going to want to take a year or so off or your going to want to start a job right away. The most important thing is that all those things can wait for just 4 more years and all those things will come and be even better than if you tried them before college. Make going and completing college you immediate goal.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was a high school senior, I would say, "good job San! You're awesome! Take as many notes as possible while at Western Culinary Institute and forget about the girls there. Really focus on what they are teaching you and the more time you spend at the school working on scholorships or homework, the better. Also, Spend as much time with dad as possible because you'll take him to the airport in California soon so he can go back to Cambodia. Tell him how much you love him because its gonna be a couple years untill you hear from him again. But dont let that bring you down! you are the man San! you are going to do everything that you wanted to do, as your future self though, I'd reccommend getting as much money as possible from scholorships and grants and whatnot, because even though your going to have an awesome next couple of years ahead of you, planning for the future will pay off. Trust me. I love you, and your awesome. Good luck little San! :-)
I would have told myself to appreciate high school for everything that it can offer. I never thought about life in the work force or going to a four year university. I should have used the resources available to me in order to make a plan for college. I also never allowed myself to take part in anything extra curricular and I wish I would have been more involved in the entire social aspect. But high school was not a good time in my life, and I wanted it to be over as quickly as possible. I transfered high schools and took a class at the local college in order to graduate a year early. I didn't know anyone in my graduating class because I went through my day with my head down and my ipod in my ears. I realize now that all that rush was for nothing, and I sincerely regret the way in which I treated high school as something to get through as soon as possible, and not as an experience in which to grown and learn from.
If I could go back in time, one thing I would tell myself is to really research schools of interest and to make sure that I allowed myself enough time to really think about where I would want to go. Also, I would encourage myself to look for and apply for scholarships early so that I am not in the position that I am in now. Finding funding for college has been one of the hardest parts of my journey as an undergraduate student because although there are plenty of scholarships out there, it does not always mean that you will be granted one. Furthermore, I would tell myself to realx. Many times being in college can cause a lot of unnecessary stress but learning how to balance a personal life and an academic life in a way that allows you to incorporate time for yourself can help a lot. Lastly, I would let it be known that it is okay to have a little fun every now and then as long as the main focus is always on what my end goal is.
If I could go back in time, I would advise myself to always talk to and associate with those who have been through the college experience before me. This is important as it will keep me on the best possible track going through college as well as help me to make the most of my time during the great college experiences.
Also, make sure I study with other students to enhance my education. Never be afraid to ask for help. Take every opportunity to grow myself and to reach my goals. Be sure to help others along the way, for it does enhance my personal growth tenfold. Grow to become a leader. Take on challenges and take responsibility.
With all that said, don’t forget to wear a smile and have fun along the way.
This is a question that I have always asked myself and always had an answer to. At first I will be honest I didn't have a answer, I didn't know what I would change or even tell myself. I have recently watched a movie by the name of "Back to the Future" The film tells the story of Marty McFly, a teenager who is accidentally sent back in time from 1985 to 1955. He meets his future-parents in high school and accidentally attracts his future mother's romantic interest. Marty must repair the damage to history by causing his parents-to-be to fall in love, and with the help of scientist Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown, he must find a way to return to 1985. My story would be a different because I would tell myself that continue to get great grades to obtain a high gpa. I would tell myself don't get distracted by anything or anyone, continue your goals and make sure that you introduce yourself to all your professors. Also that it will be hard in the beginning but dont give up, because it will pay off in the end.
The advice that future Maurice would give past Maurice is do not be afraid to take risk. Understand and know that if you are feeling scared or afraid to apply or try something out. Know that their are many others that feel the same way. You always have a great chance to achieve whatever it is that you want because so many people are afraid to speak up themselves. Be the voice of inspiration to them but most importantly inspire yourself to achieve your dream and goals, “Good, Better, Best.”