Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


If I could go back in time to give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to START SEARCHING EARLY!! I feel like I waited too long to fill out college applications and search for what I want because now I'm kind of in a dilemma. I would fill out scholarships way ahead of time. Also, save time to research and look for the right college for me. I'm now not as positive about the college I will be attending and I wish I had some more time to look for what I want. Finally, I would tell myself to study harder for the ACT and SAT and also go on lots of college tours during senior year.


I would tell the High School students that its a whole new transition. College is way more advance and you need to really stay focus. Don't get destracted by anything and make the best out of your high school experience. When your in high school its a way different atmosphere then college. You have to take college even more serious because its more serious.


I would tell my highschool-self to be sure to make friends at college. Having friends at school makes it seem more like a family and I feel much more responsible for my schoolwork then. Ideas are definitely clearer when I get to reflect them off others and hear how other people understand their schoolwork. One way to make friends at college would be to join or form study groups. Study groups were abundant, stable, and reliable at my community college. Clubs at my community college also had many motivated, smart, and nice students. A third way I would make friends would be to be more active in the free tutoring center at school. The tutoring center is full of students who are earnestly trying to learn and student tutors who are trying to help students learn as well. One situation in which I wish I had more friends was a certain semester at college when I had 17 total credits of math, physics, and chemistry. If I had friends who would encourage me and back me up through this tough semester I feel I would have had a much less stressful time studying for school.


i would tell myself to do the best i can. dont slack off. complete every assignment. work hard and study hard. i would tell myself to look into all college possibilities and make sure yoju choose the best one for you. i would tell myself to work even harder freshmen year because its easy to fall off.


"Carmen, you're about to graduate and you're heading to the illustrious Clark Atlanta University. I know you're excited and anxious to start. And as yourself, I'm going to tell you some things I've learned during my first year. First, make sure you get everything done ahead of time. Money is the motive here. Save, save, save!! I can't stress that enough. You're gonna need all the money you can get. College is expensive. Use this summer to work all you can and don't spend any money! Stores will have sales, but you will survive. Trust me. Also, balance your time between work and friends. You will be asked to parties and to hang out. Carmen, I know you; you're gonna say 'yes' then forget about that english paper you had to write. Listen to me because you're stubborn. College is fun and you will make tons of memories and friends. But, don't forget that your education comes first. It's gonna be up to you to make decisions without the help of Mom or Dad. It's not just about book smarts, you gotta have that common sense too."


College is a mix of the busiest and most relaxed times of your life. Make a plan to take advantage of both. Balance class time by taking fewer credits in the fall/spring but commit to 1-2 summer classes to keep an on-time graduation. I took 16-18 credits and ended up bogged down with work and studying so much that I missed opportunities making memories with friends. If you need a “filler” class, do not just grab something easy. Credits are too expensive to throw away. Consider grabbing a fitness instructor course that could earn you a healthy part-time job. When in doubt, add foreign language. Take it seriously and it will be invaluable in any job market. You don’t have to sit in the front of class and raise your hand. In courses for your major, get noticed. You need those professors to write letters of recommendation later. But you don’t need to exert that high energy in every class – you will burn out. Some of my favorite college classes were those where I sat in the back quietly, studied and got a good grade without trying to play the shining star.


I could never stress to myself how important it is to become financially literate. I would like for myself to know what it means to invest in an undergraduate education and how to manage and save money so that I may make wiser decisions allowing me to succeed in undergrad as a whole. I would tell myself to become familiarized with both my financial and academic advisor so that I may be aware of my student account activities at all times. I would advise myself to acknowledge my purpose for college and make sure that it remains my main focus. I would recommend to never attempt college alone. Friends, teachers, colleaugues, etc. are all good for a healthy education. Failure is not an option and neither is giving up. Lastly, I would tell myself to find out who you are and be happy. Gaining and maintaining a higher education is a priceless experience in life that I'll want to share with loved ones!


As a high school senior I was very nervous about attending college. Concerns such as, how are classes taught? What is the campus like? What are students main focus in school? What is Financial Aid and will I have enought money to attend? Questions that accomidate many fears of any college freshman. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would simply say: relax. Apply for as many scholarships as possible because financial aid may not cover every expense in shcool. I would tell myself that college is a new experience. A great accomplishment and milestone. To appreaciate and take this time to learn yourself and build bonds that will last a lifetime. Don't be afraid to take chances because of financial binds. Take chances because you will never know what standing in confidence feels like unless you fall in times of trial and tribulation. I would also tell myself as a high school senior, to keep in mind that it's the journey and not the destination that counts.


Dear September, College will be your next step to success. Therefore, you need to be aware of the things coming your way. You will attend a Historically Black College/University filled with rich history and people who want to see you succeed. This journey will not be easy, but it also won't be too challenging. You are a very bright young lady and you need to remember your school's two mottos at all times: "I Will Find A Way Or I Will Make One" and "Culture For Service". For these mottos will mold and transform you into a better person. I wish you nothing but the best of luck and I know you will do great things. Sincerely, Someone Who Wants You To Do Great Things


As an incoming freshman you are not educated about key factors such as tuitiona and fees, houseing, and how to manage your time effectively. If i could go back to my senior year and give my self advice i would push myself to have an open mind about my college of choice and to apply for more than one school as a back up. I did not research the school as well as i should have and I did not give much thought to the money i would be paying yearly to attend this school. I would also advise myself to start looking at scholarships earlier so i would not have a problem with dead lines. Its hard to pay for college and going into your freshman year or any year with only loans is a bad decision because it will affect you negatively in your future. I hope ill make a better decision next time around.