Discovering the right Institution begins with realizing your potential as a scholar. The student must be aware of the fact that progression comes with discipline. The earlier you begin to research the most suitable career choices for yourself and taking this seriously, the sooner the student can escalade in reaching your platuea. Upon the student's career choice the student should research institutions that best suits their career choice. Not only should the student consider the best school, but also enviroment, tuition, number of graduates, career oppurtunities upon graduations, activities, organizations and the general social life of the student body. The student must know beforehand that they will be very comfartable and content with the institution. Always remember, this is your dream and not your Parents.
Parents must support their children financially and morally. They must prepare themselves for the financial constraints of sending their children to an institution. The student's primary focus should be receiving their education successfully with their parents' support . Finance is one of the many worries the student shouldn't have to worry about while trying to reach their ultimate goals. NEVER let finance constrain you from reaching your ultimate goals!
Find a college that fits your personality, and has a great program for your major
The best advice I would give is to choose a college that caters to the subject you choose to major in, a college with a comforting and supporting staff, with opportunities for growth, opportunities for networking, with areas around campus for healthy living.
choose our college wisely because this experience will change your life.
To find the right college make sure you look into every aspect of the college and definetly interact with the students who are currently attending that college. look at the surroundings see if you would be able to find a good job, what is the atmosphere like around the college. Will you have enough support because if you're going to be away from home you'll need the support. Check out the activities that the school has to offer, including the fraternities and sororities. Remeber college is all about your experiences as well and meeting people. Then look at the schools success rate, how many graduates land good jobs after graduation and also what percentage of students actually complete the school and graduate.
Advice that I would give is to do plenty of research on the school and if given the chance visit the school to see the campus and the surroundings. Apply to more than one school and request information booklet from the school. As far as making the most of college experience I suggest getting involved in on campus activities and use the resourse like career placement center, library, etc. You are paying your money so use it to the fullest.
If I could tell a student looking for the right school anything it would be to not let others infuelnce your decision. Go to a school where you would like to live because many tend to forget that despite the education the school can offer, you have to live there. Also, don't follow your best friend or boyfriend to school. Don't let your parents hold you back because they "don't want you to leave them."Also, don't be afraid to take out loans for school. They sound bad but I promise that in the long run it will all be worth it if its a school you love. The most important thing is to make sure that the school you go to is a school that YOU want to go to because you like the school and the people in it. There is nothing like being stuck somewhere that you don't want to be so make sure the school you chose is YOUR choice. Overall, your future is YOUR choice so don't let others affect it.