Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


Do your research and visit the school. Make sure you like the school and the surrounding community.


It is important first and foremost that the student knows who they are. He/she must have an idea of what they want to major in, what they want to attain from attending the college of their choice and have an idea of how they will be able to contribute to the university. The hardest reality for a parent to face is realizing that their child is embarking on a new journey in which the parents are forced to trust their parental impartations on the child. I would advise all parents to take pride in knowing that the values that were instilled in the child will not depart from them. Both parents and child should be on one accord and in an agreeance on the new step both parties are about to face. Most importantly I would encourage students to get involved on campus. Hold strong to their morals and values and know how to balance school and work out. Figure out what works best for them in all aspects fo their college experience and dont be afraid of change. Networking is also a really important factor and seek for opportunities and internships!!!


My advice to parents and students are to look carefully at your college choices because you can choose to fast and make the wrong decision. You have to compare the cost and also the accredidation. Going to college is a very important step in a person's life and they should be proud of the decision they make. Most importantly, make sure you are getting the right advisement so you will not be in school longer than you have to be.


When choosing the college you want to attend please visit the loction. Make sure that its in an area that makes you comfortable or feel at home. Also question student who are already attending and ask them their honest opinion of the college. Check to see if you will be able to recieve the finacial aid needed to attend the college or university. As you are attending your college or university remeber that it is okay to have fun, but what is more important is your education and well-being. Always put your coarsework before anything else. Set both long and short term goals and invest most of your free time to studying. Make your experience one that you will remember and also one that will benifit your planned future.


The best advice that I can give to students that are looking to attend an university is to take all things into consideration, remember this will be your place where most of your time will be spent throughout the next four or more years of your life. This being said choose the setting that is most fitting to you. If you prefer your winters to maintain an average temperature of mid-50's, smaller classrooms for a personable experience and want to major in pre-med, do not attend a large university in the northern states, that only offer biology as a major. Not only are you not going to be happy with your environment, which will effect your performance in class and day-to-day activities but, your also going to be waisting valuable time and money that could have been put towards a school that could have better prepared you for your future. So to all of the students out there just be patient and take your time in evaluating all possible choices, because there is a school out there that will suit your individual needs and desires.


The advice I would give parents/students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is just relax and go with the flow. Research schools that have the best qualities for the major they want to choose and if they are located in a good part of town. Trust me not all of them are. Make sure you have your FASFA, scholarsips, and anything else worked out before February of their senior in high school. Visit the colleges you wish to attend to make sure they are as they seem in the brochures and online, for some of them are facades. But when it comes to the college experience just go with it. I didnt my first year and missed out. Take advantages of the clubs and other activities that are in store. Get out and mingle with people for they can become life long friends and people you may need in life. Have fun go out and party, but make sure and I stress this GET ALL YOUR WORK DONE AND EXCEL IN EVERYTHING YOU DO! Work like your broke, live life as its your last, and love to the fullest.


I would advise student and parents who are looking for the right college to make the most of there college experience to do reserch, rserch, reserch. Make sure the school offer a subject you are really interested in and a altenate subject that you find interesting because 9 students out of 10 change their major before graduating. I would also say to check the type of clubs, soroities, or othe extracurricular activities that are offered because having something to do pass alot of time when you may feel home sick and its also a good thing to have on your college reume.


Choosing the right college will have long term effects on your future. When choosing a college make sure that the college has your major, excellent intership opportunies and a great career placement center, and make sure that you visit as many campuses as possible. Selecting a college that offers your major is the most important factor in choosing a college. If the college does not offer your major or field of interest it is really pointless to enroll there. After researshing the school for your major the second you should look into the college's career and placement center. The career and placement center is where you go to find out about the internships, career opportunities, and interview training. The career and placement center will be very vital to students because it helps them explore their chosen field while still in college through internships and helps with job placement after graduation. Lastly you should visit as a many colleges as possible to get a feel for thr enviroment and the people there. Your college college experience will be one that you will remember for the rest of your life choosing the right enviroment for yourself will make it an enjoyable.


I would always advice a student and or parent to make sure you choose a college/ university that best describes you academically and socially. I would also tell them to go visit the campus and get a feel of it. Look into your major and look and see what classes they offer for your major.


Make sure that it is a college that you feel comfortable being at without your parents being around because as you get older mom and dad wont be there to do everything for you. Make sure you are comfortable with your surrounding areas and that you feel safe with where your going to live and go to school at.