make sure you are going to the school that you want to attend take other peoples suggestions and concerns into consideration but remember in the end it is about your happiness and success
To find the right college one must do much research and be honest with themself. Many people choose a college based on tradition or their friends' decision but honestly, what is best for friends and/or family may not be best for you. I suggest everyone research colleges on a personal basis with what is best for them in mind (city size, tuition amount, student body etc.) To make the most of the college experience give yourself (or your child) the opportunity to learn how they will best be successful. If you surround yourself with people who are partying all the time and not studying much you will tend to do the same and your grades will suffer. It is college and college is about education and experiencing life so it's not realistic to say ALWAYS study, NEVER party but make sure you find the balance that is right for you.
I would tell the parent as well as the student that they must choose a school that they are happy with and are satified with. They can also put into consideration how well the school is involved with service learning. Going to an HBCU can help u better understand your culture and beliefs. Some schools are very large in population and that may cause a major distraction but you must stay focused by any means neccessary. Most schools have fraternitites and sororties and that may be one thing a student may want to look at. But overall, my advice would be to choose a school that fits you as a person whether its financially, socially, or ethically. Some schools help you grow into the person that you want to become and that is wat matter the most.
The best advice I could give to anyone searching for the right school for them is: find a setting you're comfortable in. Often times, someone will go to a school that is entirely different from anything they've experienced before. This isn't neccesarily a bad thing, however, alot of those students will find themselves unable to adapt to their new setting . When I chose to go to Clark Atlanta, I knew that I would be in a place that was unlike home, but could easily become my new home. When you choose a school, it becomes home for four years and to be uncomfortable is unacceptable! Visit every one of the schools you have in mind. If any of them is the place for you, it will stick out, and you'll know it.
When choosing a college to attend make sure that you think about how your experiences will help you in the future. Make sure that you keep an open mind and open heart.
I believe that parents as well as students should do as much research as possible when it comes to finding the school that best fits the individual. They can do this by going on various college tours as well as asking for literature about the insitution, the more knowledge you obtain the easier your decision will be when it comes to finding your school. These actions are best done while in your sophomore or junior year so that way in your senoir you can have an idea of where you are really going and what is needed to get you there. In addition, if students choose the right school the first time around then they wouldnt have to deal with the hardships that comes with transfering to a different school. When transfering most of the time you lose your credits and funding. Also apply for every scholarship there is, the more money you have for school the better it is for your parents as well as the student because then they wouldnt have to deal with the pressures of not having enough money to attend college or even having to leave school early becuase the cant afford the next semester.
I would advise students to look at the curriculm for their intended major to see if they would like the classes at a particular school. I would also advise students to check out the extra-curricular activities to see if they can do something that they enjoy during there free time. Students should go to every event on and off campus as possible to maximize their college experience. They should also be very sociable but at the same time keep themselves organized with their classes and schoolwork to keep excess stress away. I would also advise students to get involved in programs or events around campus or the community,students should at least do one activity for the benefit of their campus and our community.
I advise every student to reasearch their school. Visit the campus so that you can get a good feel of the school. Make sure that you are attending this schoo for the right reasons, not just because everyone is going.
Any advice that I could give would be, in order to find the right college, look within yourself. If the college mirrors your beliefs, values and appeals to you then that school would most likely be the right school to attend. Another piece of advice for potential college students is trust your intuition. If you feel the school is right or wrong for you then trust that feeling and apply that with what the school offers when making the final decision.
I would tell students to not get so caught up in the hype of "party schools" versus academic ones. In truth, there are parties and drugs and alcohol everywhere and if that is what a person is looking for they will find it. I would also tell them that regardless of a schools reputation and how nice the proffessors seem, they can and will fail out of class if they are not focused and do not do their best in class. College is what you make of it, and 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time its not what you learn, but how you apply it.