Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


I have not yet fully finished my college experience yet I do know why it is valuable to me. When I have finished and graduate with a degree from college I expect to start off as a person that is well prepared and capiable of handing all the professional aspects of my carreer along with doing my job well. I don't just want to have a job for the moment. I want a carrer for a lifetime and I feel that I could get that from Clark Atlanta University.


I have attained a strong work ethic and deep passion for knowledge. Curiosity is my strong point, leading me to try new ways of doing things or to attempt to see things from several different perspectives. I have learned to take pride in my actions and I strive to make good decisions and contributions that I can feel satisfied and confident about. I get involved in school activities and the surrounding community, In doing so, I can have the opportunity to get to know new people, build connections throughout my school, and maybe even find a few new study buddies. I’m prepared to start the new college year with an open mind, willing to make the best of my experience for myself and those around me.


Clark Atlanta has made my transition into college a comfortable and overall wonderful ecperience. I love the way the faculty and students took me into their family and gave me the support I needed to move away from home and step out on my own. I believe CAU has helped me to become even more of a social butterfly as they provided ways for us freshmen to interact with one another. I know that I would not be as comfortable as I am, if i hadn't had ther chance to meet so many new people. Everyday i learn something new, and meet someone who is from some place different from me, and its amazing that we have so much in common. I can honestly say that attending CAU is the greatest blessing that i have recieved and i value every day that i get to spend on this University.


Out of my college experience I've gotten to be around people of the same culture as i am. Im very proud to be here with so many people and acutally trying to make a difference in this world. Its very hard for me to get through my finacial problem but i know in my heart and in gods will that i can and i will make it.


The one thing I have gotten out of my college experience is being independent, it has taught me to be my own person and not to depend on other people. Clark Atlanta University has been valuable to attend because it has shown me how to deal with different people, with different attitudes, and different backgrounds in the real world. It also has been valuable because it shows me everything doesn't come easy and that you have to work for things to get what you want.

With the fluctuating economy and uncertain times, it’s more important than ever for our nation’s children to receive the proper education and training necessary to acquire a good job and produce the revenue needed to live. I have so far been blessed with high quality education that has allowed me to share my opinions and challenge common beliefs in order to grow as an individual. I have enhanced my artistic freedom and further established my creative voice during my education. The artist’s ability to manifest their voice in a visually symbolic piece has always influenced culture in a powerful and provocative way. Through my own creative works I look forward to stimulating the conflict needed to derive change and progress by continuing to push cultural boundaries.


In Atlanta there are plenty of HBCU's and the downtown area of the city is very diverse. This has shown me that I do not have to be a product of my hometown. Seeing so many African American's enrolled in college is inspiring and motivational for any onlooker. This has been and continues to be valuable to me because as a child I did not know a single person who was enrolled in college or had been to college. Therefore moving to a city such as Atlanta and seeing women and men in buisness attire with careers and not just jobs was something that changed my life forever, and raised my standards to much higher levels.


I enjoy college because you learn to seek knowledge independent of the instructor through research. I really like that some instructors provide assignments that give you practical experiences. In addition to learning, you meet many new people that will grow and learn with you. During college it was fun to participate in campus activities and travel. College life gives you the opportunity to witness your peers transform from naive freshman to mature adults. Another reason I liked college was because of the programs offered to minimize expenses. I enjoyed being a Residential Assistant and receiving free room and board along with serving as campus queen which allowed me to receive paid tuition, a stipend, and room and board. These positions were great relationship builders, good for networking, and developing leadership skills. Another thing I enjoyed about college was learning to make adult decisions and discovering the importance of follow-up. During college you make mistakes and learn how to make better decisions when faced with new situations. College life helped me discover myself and determine what I really wanted out of life. I learned what career would be most fulfilling. College is very rewarding because it will change your life.


The college experience has taught me the importance of networking. With the career path that I have chosen it is important for me to establish bonds with people that may have higher authority in order to be as successful as possible. Networking also allows me to develop long lasting friendships with my peers as well as my professors. Attending college has not only taught me the importance of networking but it has also taught me the importance of faith. College can be a stressful process due to the lack of support or financial assistance but I continue to network and my faith allows me to persevere.


There are many things that I have gotten out of my college experience. But the ultimate lesson that I will take away WHEN I graduate is that self improvement is necessary if you wish to impact others. It is my aspiration to improve myself via the completion of my undergraduate degree. I would then be better prepared to help my family and community. My college experience has been valuable because without it, I would not have had the oppurtunity to assess and learn this. I would have been stuck in a minimum wage job, working tirelessly to make ends meet, with no passion for what I was doing. Now it is imperative that I complete my education so that I can apply all this ambition into my profession.