Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself. It was one thing to be placed in a foster home just far enough away that no one knew you and the family you came from; but now you’re back and you wonder how many of them know? Your father ran off leaving your mother with 6 kids to feed. Your mother wasn’t strong enough to pull her life back together; few could. The state placed you in foster homes, which presented challenges children should not have to face. At least you had clothes that fit; shoes on your feet and food on the table. Yes, you moved many times in those 10 years. But remember that one family you spent a few of those years with? That was only a glimpse of another way of life. You can choose to wallow in self-pity. You can tell yourself that you are helpless and alone. You can let fear hold you back. Or just maybe you can say “I can do this!” “My life can, and will, be different!” All you need to do is walk through those doors. College: A new beginning that will put YOU in control. Choose!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have inquired about scholarships. I would have seeked guidance in obtaining monetary help so that my mom would not have to pay so much out of pocket for my education.


Knowing what I know now about college life and given the opportunity to go back to talk to my high school self I would warn myself to prepare financially for the heart break and headache. I always knew I would be the first in my family to attend college, I just never knew college was so expensive, especially in my case of choosing a private institution to attend. Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to start applying for scholarships as soon as possible and although it is important to me to attend my first choice, unfortunately it just may not be the best choice financially. Funding my education has been a constant struggle the past three school years and I believe if I had the correct guidance in high school I could have saved myself from many trials and tribulations.


Growing up parents always warn of the dangers of the fallings into the wrong crowd. This peice of parentful advice always seems to get brushed off until you find yourself in a whole you dug too deep to get out of. It was finally my senior year. Like always my class list was filled with honors and advanced placement classes. I loved school, had a passion for learning. However a few months into my senior year this all changed. Ignoring the advice my parents me all my life of not falling into the wrong crowd I did just that. I love the sence of rebellion. Soon I found myself in a world filled with too much partying, drugs, promisuiety. By the end of my senior year i was in danger in of not graduating. If I could go back in time and give this naive girl that replaced my once ambitious self advice for college, I would tell her popularity is not everything. Focus on school. Success is not measured in prom queen nominations, rather hard work and focus will help you on the journey through college.


If I were to give advice to a seventeen-year-old version of myself, I would tell myself to be more confident, and feel comfortable asking for help when I need it. I lacked confidence in myself as a high-school student and did not perform as well on exams. I had convinced myself that I would not do well, and so I did not. Also, if I did not understand something, I would not ask the teacher for help, and simply attempt to figure it out on my own. This also lead to poorer grades on exams during my high school career. I am now attending a community college, and have a 3.9 GPA. I am graduating this semester, and am attending a university in the fall. During my time at community college, I have gained confidence in myself by doing well in college courses, and I now understand that by asking for help when I need it, I have a greater chance of being successful.


I would have made sure that I stayed focus. There were some days that I slacked off when I could have put my all into my work. There were days I should have pushed myself to make it to school instead of staying home. I wish I would have gotten a better head start on the college application process. I had the time it was just the simple fact that I misused my time. So time management is one of the biggest qualities I wish I had then like I have started to develop now.


As a high school senior, I would tell myself that you are beautiful and incredibly intelligent, and not to let the irrelevant opinions of others dictate it. She needs to recognize who her friends truly are, and dismiss the rest; after that year, everyone else will be completely obsolete. I would tell her that she needs to begin now to establish the stepping stones in her career, because creating a business in college isn't easy. I would tell myself to take summer classes before freshman year because if you transfer back to Texas, there are some courses that you inevitably have to make up. She needs to buckle down and throw away her insecurities which only formed through insignificant relationships; she won’t need them where she’s headed. But most importantly I would tell myself to trust in you and begin now to truly make yourself completely self-reliant and responsible. You’re future requires independence, and although you do possess independent traits, independence does not truly define you unless you can trust yourself 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Never stop committing 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}, keep your head held high, and keep your dreams alive and I’m sure you’ll be just fine.


Dear high school Hall I know that work is serving as an consumer of your life, and momma always said that, "money makes the world go around" but for me I want you to stop and smell the roses. Remember freshman year when you wanted to join the pep squad. Do it. Remember in sophmore year when you wanted to run for secretary. Do it. How about the time when you were asked to join the African American Club. You should of DID IT. and one last thing, you took Spanish for three years only to take Spanish agin in college for another two. Embrace Spanish, learn it, and become fluent. All these things that I have advised will soon come in handy for in sophmore year of college, you will run for junior class secretary. And who knows, if you had experience in pep squad you may have landed a spot on the Morehouse cheer squad that you will want so bad. Oh, and about your academics, do what you are doing now because in college you will be (for lack of better words) a BEAST academically. Until we meet at the threshold of Clark Atlanta University..... Signed Yourself


Dear high school self, I know you think you know it all, but the truth is, you know absolutely nothing. Your life is just beginning. You've done well thus far, but your best is yet to come. Always remember that to whom much is given, much is required. You may think you're working diligently now, but you're going to have to push even harder once you get to college; however, you should never consider quitting. Quitting is never an option unless you plan to be mediocre. You've never accepted mediocrity and you should sustain that mindset. You've been given the opportunity to experience an entirely different world while surrounded by entirely different people: take advantage of that opportunity. Start building your career now. Always remember that you cannot take a step up until you have built the staircase. Don't expect others to shape who you are. You're the master of your fate. Sincerely, Your college graduate self


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give myself advice on preparation. I would say, “When entering college you need to prepare yourself financially and have a plan because, some students don’t know what they are getting themselves in to. Most high school students want to go to a four year college after they graduate because they think it’s the ideal thing to do. Don’t get me wrong it’s a wonderful choice to be able to attend a four year after high school but, if you do not have the funds a two year would be more affordable until you get financially organized. This is why I say be prepared financially. If you prepare yourself financially ahead of time then attending a four year after school would not be a problem.” I would give myself that advice because I was not fully aware of my college tuition until I was in debt and had to take a semester off. I want to be able to go back to college and finish what I’ve started and I am preparing myself now by filling out scholarships.