First off listen to your parents, this will be beneficial in your educational future. They really do know what they are talking about. Mature, this is very important. Something you must realize soon is that college is not what you see in movies. You need good grades and perseverence in college or it will be hard to get anywhere. Holly, you are smart, you just need to really focus on your studies, you can make it through highschool and in time you will know what you want to do with your life. When that time comes, you will really need those grades. Do not just think of highschool as your core classes and a time to hang out with friends. You must take it seriously, you must leave highschool with all the knowledge you can get. Take advantage of it, love what you do and do what you love. Highschool is not just something parents make you do, it is your foundation. You build everything on it. Take it seriously. Good luck with your future, and really make it count. You were born to do something great, now go show the world what you are capable of.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself about the things I know now I would probably first off tell myself to HAVE MY PRIORITES STRAIGHT because college can become stressful and being stressed in college only hurts your performance. I would go into detail about finances because paying for college isn't easy. You may have the money in the beginning , but unexpected things occur and it's always smart to have a backup plan always! Having a backup plan should always be in the back of your mind when planning for college, and last but not least I would have told myself to be open to everything. While my matriculation here in college I have met people from all backgrounds and all walks of life, so I would emphasize having a open mind and an open heart!
I would say Taylor...you must apply for scholarships weekly! Scholarships are so vital when it comes to paying to further your education. College is a great experience to go through but paying back those loans with intrest can and will hurt you eventually. Apply for the silly ones the hard ones, they long ones whatever it takes to get free money. I would tell the younger me to talk to my advisor about what school is the best for me and to not just jump into a school without fully doing research. I should have taken advantage of my AP and IB courses because the better you do on those test the less money you will end up taking to take the class when you get into college. Those are the things I would tell the younger me because if I followed those things...chances are I could have been way more successful.
The best adive I would give myself is to tsay in the books and keep my GPA up. I would also live up my life as a high schooler because college is what you make of it and I havent made anything of it like I thought I would.
If I could be a high school senior again, the best advice I would give myself is to be resourceful and to think "outside of the box". When I left my parents' house for college, I wished I would have asked questions about scholarships and fellowships. I would have looked for opportunities to engage in experiences that were new to me. I have always been a very safe, easy-going type of person. Now that I am 34, I wished I would have studied or taught abroad and learned a second language. I should have networked more with my college classmates so I could visit them during the summer breaks. During my summer breaks, I attended summer school so I could lessen the amount of hours I needed to take during the fall and spring semesters.
I do not regret the decisions I have made. I just wished I would have taken advantage of every opportunity available. I wished I was not always so traditional in my thinking and my approach to living. Life is too short to always play it safe. Live each day with purpose and enthusiasm.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself about advice for college I tell myself that I should set goals, maintain and meet the specific goals in which I want to endure. Goals are very important pertaining to your life, present and future. Goals are the only way that I'm making it through college, if it weren't for me having goals; there would be no reason to pursue a degree. Another word of advice I would give myself is to network. I'm usually a very bashful individual but now with networking and meeting individuals I have become more confident and happier with myself. Networking is vital when you’re in college, networking with colleagues, friends, and professors. Networking helps you build relationships which could lead to a possible job or career in the future as well. I would also tell myself that college is a place of freedom, in a way. I need to learn to be more responsible and careful on what decisions I make.
If I was able to turn back the hours and days of time and visit my teenage self in high school, I will be astounded by his presence. The advice I would offer him is to strive harder throughout the beginning of his freshman year in high school till his conslusion as a senior. I would also bring to his attention that high school only originates once in your lifetime and that he should join many oragnizations and to get involved before his time expires within the years. Informing him that bad association can spoil his habits will be considered my first (seeking companions) advice. Taking life so serious throughout each day during my high school years, I would also inform him that he should enjoy life at it currently is because humans can be a child once.
As a college sophomore I would tell the high school senior me to NETWORK, NETWORK ...NETWORK! I would tell the 17 year old me to meet new people , try new things and break out of your shell because it will pay off. At my institution it's not about what you know ... it's about who you know. My university offers various career opportunities, internships and scholarships but students have to network in order to obtain them because there are so many ambitious, competitive and success hungry students. I would also tell myself to apply for more scholarships. The tuition at Clark Atlanta University is almost $34,000 and even though I received nine scholarships when I graduated from high school, more money would not hurt. In addition, I would advise the high school senior me to thoroughly think through every situation before I made a final decision. Sometimes I made decisions leading up to my first year in college that were rushed due to procastination. My freshman year in college may have been more fulfilling if I would have properly prepared as a senior in high school. Lastly, I would tell myself ... to BE myself at all times!
This is my first year of college. So far I've learned more than I thought and had to do a little more growing. I have my own freedom basically. Going to this college, taught me how to mainage my time. it has been vauable being here because I've learned how to take on more responsiblities and become a better student.
Besides information I have obtained in the classroom, my overall college experience has helped me mature as a person and learn life lessons through experiences. Being aware from my parents has made me more responsible because it now is up to me to grow up and get everything done for myself. Also college exposes you to many to reality nobody's there with you tring telling you what you can and can't do, or what to do period. It has been valuable for me to attend because I have took it upon myself to join organizations and have internships which taught me life lessons and how a real work environment would be.