Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


What have I gotten out of my college experience and why has it been valuable to attend? I being a high school senior this year while being a second year student in college have been a great accomplishment for me. I am thankful my mother and father pushed me to be in the G.I.F.T. program for sports medicine at Eastern Arizona College because I have gained so much experience and I have learned so much from this program while maintaining A’s and B’s in high school and college courses. I feel I have achieved. This program was also free which puts me two years ahead in my degree without paying for this education. It feels awesome to know I am a going to be a high school graduate and transfer student at the same time. I have had limited time on my hands with sports, church, taking care of fair animals, high school classes, along with college courses, but am still able to manage these courses. My college experience has been valuable to attend because I am still a high school student enrolled in college while some of my peers are not.


I learned how to prioritize what I do on a daily basis, so I can identify whats more important.


Leaving the West coast to the South was a drastic change in my life. I had the average problems during my first semester of college but as I continued to build relationships and get more involved I felt a lot better about my decision. I've learned so much by just being in college but I've learned so much more by being at an HBCU. I love to be around people of my ethinicity and I love to celebrate my heritage along with them. The african american pride that is seen at Clark Atlanta I couldn't have gotten in Seattle, WA. The campus activities and organizations that are available for participation are awesome and they really help in gaining experience. I've grown close to friends, teachers, and other staff. As being a chaplain assistant I continue to meet more people and make more bonds. Overall I wouldn't trade my school for another one, I am completely happy in my decision to attend an HBCU. I've grown so much as an individual and I only expect to continue to grow because I attend such a great university that encourages me to grow.


Out of the school I selected I found out that I have recieved alot out of my college experience. Clark Atlanta was my second choice vs Ga state in which I had a full ride academically, However my S.A.T. score reflected my acceptance into Ga State. Therefore I decided to come to Clark Atlanta paying out of pocket. My Junior year came and I decided to transfer to Ga State with my full ride still attached. After little time I relealized that Ga State was not for me. I felt that Clark Atlanta gave me so much and opened so many doors that, I rather pay out of pocket vs having a scholarship. Clark Atlanta opened my eyes to many things that I did not know about my self. I became very active on campus. I am now Mr A-Town (Attending to Others Wants and Needs). I serve as a mentor for Eriving Mentoring Academy. I am a Admissions Ambassador and I am also apart of numerous of other clubs. I can truly say that Clark Atlanta gave me the oppurtunity to become who I want to me, and that is a leader.


So far, my college experience has been kind of rough. It has taught that I have to look after myself because there is no one there to constantly look over my shoulder to tell me what to do and how to do it. Attending college has been valuable to me because I have had the opportunity to learn important life lessons and make my mistakes early on in life.


When I first graduated high school, I was unsure about attending a community college before a four year university. It seemed as if I was missing out on what others were going to experience at their new schools. However, I soon realized that I wasn't missing anything at all. My college experience has been nothing but a positive one. Without the distractions of living on campus, I have been able to focus on my school work and achieve the grades I want. The extra time living at home has allowed me to save money and focus on preparing for transferring to my next school. I have always known that I would attend college, but I was unsure where I would attend and what I would do. My time at Sauk Valley Community College has helped to clarify my goals and allowed for me to find what univeristy is right for me. I know that my time spent at my community college was very valuable and it has set me on the right path. I look forward to my future in academics and I know that my time spent at Sauk will help me throughout my life.


I have gotten a larger drive to learn and to perfect my craft. It has been valuable to me to attend school because you get the opportunity to the learn from the best and you get one on one assistance, so u can b he back u can be.


I have learned so many things from college. I did not know the names of various kitchen utensils and on the first day we were guided throughout the room and the chef named and showed us everything. I have been learning that college is not all fun and games, it's something you have to work on it everyday. It can vary from homework or studying or even tutoring. You may get a day to have fun you might not it all depends on how to manage your time. The instuctors teach everyone big or small to manage their time so that they can get their best out of the day. I am very happy to be in school , yea its hard but what good in life isn't. all of these things and many more i know i will use all of my life.


SInce i have started college my experience has been great. I have met plenty of people from many places and its good to see different cultures from many places across the world. College is such a great experience because you learn so much especially when you're from a different city. This experience is valuable because you learn so much and its the best tim eof your life. When students first come to college they feel as though it is so much freedom because students are out on there own. College life gives students so much independence to see if they are ready for the real world. In conclusion college experience has its effect on people sometimes in a god way and sometimes in a bad way but you just have to be prepared for anything in college.


What I have gotten out of my college experience thus far is how to handle college life (including different activities on and off campus, residence life, ect.) while performing well in school. Because it’s my first year in college teachers talk to my classes and try to help us get use to the college workload while still getting to know to the school. What I’ve also gotten out of the college experience is that when it comes to needing help in my classes or someone to talk to there’s always someone there. Before I got to college I was told that teachers really don’t care about their students or their performance in class; but at Clark it’s not like that at all. It’s been valuable to attend because this is my new phase in life that will lead to my future.