I have learned a few things about myself with my college experience. I learned that the people you are friends with now most likely wont be your friends once you leave the school. You might find one or two. I learned that I am not so great at science and math but that I work better on a deadline and under pressure. I learned that if I put my mind to it I can get what I want no matter what others say. I am my own person and no dream is ever to big or to far away an that I should go after what I want most.
I can pretty much sum up my college experience into one words: Friends. While I was in high school, I did not have many friends but as soon as I went to college I noticed how much I had in common with others and that helped me become a more social and outgoing person. The friends I hav e made will always be there for me and I am greatful for that.
The one thing that I have gotten out of my college experience that I have valued the most is extreme detail that we get to go in to with the topics in all of my courses. In high school the courses were only nine weeks and class periods were shorter leaving us with less time to go over all the things that the state required. However, in college we can spend more time to cover each topic so we are able to understand the depth of each topic. Also, since we are able to take more time in college courses we are able to get more one on one time with our teachers and advisors for extra help that we made need that high school teachers just do not have the time to do.
I had finished all my studies, including my high school in India, hence when i started my program for Psychology in a community college in Phoenix AZ, it was the first time I had been exposed to the educationary system of USA. The two years I have spent at the college had been challenging as well as a valuable learning experience. I experienced class room environments unlike I had ever before in my life. Sharing my classes with people of so many diverse cultural and racial backgrounds has been an enriching experience. And because of this I developed a broader outlook and have also become more independent. In these two years I have also gained valuable knowledge and life longs lessons that will not only aid in devolping a career for myself but to also lead a successful life. Although going to a four-year university is going to be a whole different exprerience, the journey of two years at the community college will always be the most valuable one as this was where it had all began, and hopefully continues and will lead me to fulfilling my goals.
College is a once in a lifetime experience and since Orientation at Clark Atlanta University I have taken a full and head-on advantage of it. At CAU we are a family, we look to each other for assistance and advice before outside sources. Here at Clark Atlanta University I have gotten strength and knowledge. The strength to understand that I am my biggest supporter and I have my own future in my hands, and with acceptance comes knowledge and Clark Atlanta University has thought me that there is nothing I can not accomplish. Our motto is, “Find a way or Make one.” and it is something, we all embody in all aspects. Not only does CAU provide you with the opportunities to reach your goals but we teach you how to strive to excellence when you do get there. I am forever grateful for the opportunity I have received to continue my education at Clark Atlanta University, and I express my gratitude and giving back as an Admission Ambassador. Attending CAU was a lifelong learning opportunity, something I would do again in the blink of an eye. I encourage all to take your future in your own hands.
It is "24 Hour Access" week, the 7 days before finals are due. I have taken the week off from work as I know the course load that lies ahead of me. My boyfriend understands that I will no be home for the next 160 hours with the exception of an occassional shower and promises to bring me dinner every night. I grab my iPod, and hop onto the 69 bus with a duffle bag filled with random toiletries, and my last pay check's worth of vellum and basswood.
I spend the next minutes, hours, days on my is without a doubt the most tired, frustrated, and emotional I have ever been in my life. It is the morning of, and I have 2 hours before reviews. I set up my display area, rush home, take a shower, grab a granola bar and hop back onto the bus...I walk back into the room where my projects are layed out, waiting to be graded and I realize that despite the lack of sleep, despite the extreme things I have been through, despite the tears...I have accomplished something far more wonderful than I ever thought possible.
My first year at Clark Atlanta University gave me a taste of independance and the chance to meet people that were so much like me but so different at the same time. I met students and professors from a variety of backgrounds and places. My professors were always encouraging and some even became my mentors. By my parents being four hours away, I also learned a new sense of accountabilty. I had to be self reliant a lot of the time and it forced me to look at the world in a new light. Of course, my freshman year had it's ups and downs but I wouldn't trade the experience for the world and I can't wait to return in the fall.
I will be entering my senior year of high school, along with my fourth semester at Shawnee Community College. I will have 30 college credit hours by the end of the Summer 2010 Semester. College has been a great help in my high school classes. College English classes have helped me to write papers in my high school classes, and i have learned a lot that I could apply to my life outside of school. At scholar bowl, some of the facts that I've learned in college helped me to answer questions concerning math, art, and music history that I normally could not have answered. College has helped my a great deal in life and i hope to get some scholarships, like this one, so that i can further my college career. Thank you.
College has been a wonderful experience for me. What I have gotten out of college is ambitious for reach for my goals. College has had a serious value to me because it teaches you that everything is possible. With hard work and perseverance every and anything is possble through college. College offers a lot to its students and when a student takes full advantage of these offers, the sky is the limit for that student
The college experience I have received has been the most valuable attribute I have received since my years as a young adult. Attending college grows you up mentally, emotionally, and educationally as a person. I have excelled educationally as well as become smarter when it comes to interacting with people. The atmosphere allows for you to meet so many different people coming from all types of backgrounds. You also have to learn to understand and make sacrifices when dealing with people that aren’t accustomed to the same things you once were at home. This allows you yourself to broaden your horizons and try new things, which ultimately helps you to find yourself as a person. You also deal with relationship issues which is totally different from what you are used to in high school. I have gained all this from my college experience and recommend anyone who has the chance to attend school. It is extremely valuable to have this experience because it is like a process in between being a young adult and becoming an adult.