Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clark Atlanta University know before they start?


Finding the right college and making the most of your college experiences takes planning, knowing the students personality, and as well as comfort zone. Making sure a student is comfortable on his or her campus is one main keys to sucess, as well as planning ahead, to give a student time to visit as well as get a feel for there potential university. When a student is comfortable with there surroundings at school it gives them the strength to proceed and do well while obtaining a college degree' which is when they will recieve the most out of there college experience.


Do not base which college you go to upon how far or close it is to home. Or even if one school gives you more monry then another because you may find yourself in a situation where you hate your school. Actually visit the school get a feel for it and see if its the right place for you.


Be sure to go with your child to the school, stay longer than the tour provides and always go during the school year, sit in on a class and meet the head of the department in your major. Think of meeting the head not as a "brown nosing" situation but more so as a comferting oppertunity. Also, if you are goin to be on Finaicial aid ensure your things are in order i.e. Turning in your FASFA on time completely filled out and calling the school to find out about your Award letter if you still havent recieved it. Good Luck!


If I had to give a family advice about picking out the right school and making the most of the college experience, I would tell them to think smart and make sure their child stays on campus. I chose to go to a school I knew I could not afford, but I wanted to go there so bad, and now I am 30,000 dollars in debt, just for the first year. I did not think smart at all, so next year in the fall I am going to have to attend another school that is way cheaper. So I would tell them please plan out everything and don?t just jump straight in because that?s what you want or your child wants to be, unless you can actually afford it. I would also recommend that staying on campus is the way to go. It is a great college experience being in the dorms and a great way to meet new people. Most people that live off campus aren?t really involved and miss all the fun things that happen on campus. I just believe that it is an experience one will never regret no matter where one goes.


I would say to them when searching, look into thier prospective major and see how well the program is and how interactive it is. Along with that, see how the atmosphere is first to see if your comfortable with the setting. It is also imperitive to know if the school is empowerinf students to succeed or just letting them go with the flow.


Take it from me, (someone with experience) apply every single day for as many scholarships as possible. The cost of attendance at most Universities are too much for people to afford; expecially with the economy as bad as it is now. I can not continue to afford to pay for school without help from outside sources such as this scholarship. When applying for school, please make sure you can afford it, try to stay away from loans, and make sure the education is worth the cost. Thank You!


Finding the right college is not an easy process, nor is it dependant upon one particular characteristic of a school. The choice for an institution of higher learning should be based upon if the student wants to attend a large or small school, public or private, and if they want to stay in state or travel. Along with that scholarships from each school, and outside scholarships must be considered. It is also very important to visit each school that is being considered, and to try to meet students that already attend the institution to get a better idea of if this is a good fit for both the parent and student. A parent should not send, neither should a student attend a school that they do not feel 100 percent comfortable with. Finally, choose a school that is affordable. If both the parents and student are over worried about paying for the education the the expierence will not be as well lived out. At the same time do not let the cost of attendance over rule the choice of another institution.


When giving advice to parents and/or students about finding the right college, I tell them to let the student stay somewhat near home and make sure it?s affordable. Becoming a mature and responsible adult is something learned through college experience. Making the smart and correct choices become more important than ever before. Many students get to college and do not know how to deal with the freedom they have obtained. That allows many students to go down the wrong paths and make the wrong decisions. Growing up is a part of life and always being at home does not help with the growth process. However, being too far could be a downfall. Also, being able to pay for the school chose is very important. When the school is affordable, it makes learning a lot less stressful, the financial aid process quicker, and being in future debt is less likely. Many people get caught up in loans because it seems so easy at the time and could be paying them back 5 to 8 years after they have received their degrees. To conclude, making the most of a college experience is up to YOU! BE AN INDIVIDUAL!


When choosing the right college, students and parents must take a few things into consideration. The most important part of this process is finding out which desired school offers you the most money for their education. The lower the amount of money that comes out of your pocket, the happier you will be. Another way to evaluate which college is perfect for you is to visit the campus. Ask yourself these important questions: -Is the campus big/small enough for your accommodation? -Is it too far away from home? -Do the students seem to accept me? -How does the campus look? Also the student should speak to already enrolled students, ask them about teachers and on-campus life. Once you get to college it is important to make the most of the experience. Ways to make the college experience one of the best include: -Attend the events that students and faculty have on campus. -Be open-minded. -Join clubs and groups in order to meet new people. -MOST IMPORTANTLY put your education first! In other words, work as hard as you can in class and do not slack. By doing these things you will have the best college experience ever.


Fill out the FAFSA report as soon as possible in order to get financial aid settled as easily as possible. Don't attend a school that you believe you will have a significant amount of debt after graduation. Ask the school about career fairs and placement centers. Utilize the library; great resources and plenty of space! Enjoy college, don't let people ruin the experience and keep an open mind. Explore and try new things because you never know what you may end up liking. Attend class regularly and save your work, just to stay ahead of the game and achieve highly. Make friends! Set your GPA high freshman year so just in case a semester doesn't go as planned you won't have a hard fall and an even tougher time getting back up. SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH! Apply as often as you can, don't give up.