Pick the college the best benefits your specific needs. Work hard in all that you do because success does not come easy. There will be a lot of stressful times and times where you find that everything is going wrong. Just remember that everything happens for a reason, storms don't last forever, and you only have one life to live. You're either living or existing. You don't make mistakes in life, you create lessons. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't accomplish anything. You're best ammunition is to prove them wrong and succeed. Put school first. Your social life and materialistic things can wait.
School should be a priority. No one else in this world is going to look out for yourself the way you are. Eliminate negativity and pursue positivity.
When things get tough and there doesn't seem to be a clear path "find a way or make one."
The most important and best advise I can give is to choose the school that will best further your career and altimate goal in life. Money is a factor, but sometimes, you have to believe that things will work themselves out. College will change your life, so come with an open mind and be ready to learn about yourself as well as others.
I would advise parents and students to do your research very carefully and visit the campus with your child to make sure it is compatible with your child.
The advice that I would give to parents and to students for finding the right college would be to go to at least three of your college choices and take a tour and if you can talk with students who attend that college and ask questions to get a more insightful view of the atomsphere and the college life itself. Also I would advise to start lookingat places to apply in the Junior year of High school for students so that the student may make a descision based on their visit to the college their Senior Year of high school. Another Advice would be for finding the right school would be to call the Financial Aid department of the school and talk with them about their process in general.
Kalani A.
Go where your heart says go
In order to find the right college you must visit. Even though the institution might have your major, where it's located, and what is available to you might not be what your paying for. Also take a tour during the regular school year so you can get a glimpse of what goes on in the classroom. Even to see what the students do for fun.
The advice I would give a student &their parent is prepare. It is going to take a lot of preparation & thought before you are going to be able to choose the best college or university. Also, a good idea is to weigh all of your options, and don?t be afraid to ask questions. Think: which schools will you offer scholarship, what are the entrance requirements, do I want to attend a private or public institution, ect?? Another good idea is to take a tour of the campus, prior to attending.
Now that you are attending your "Dream School", the best way to make the most of it, is to have fun, get involved and Network . Its okay to have fun in college, but don?t let that be the only thing you do. Remember the reason your in college is to get your education. Getting involved in extra curricular activities is an excellent way to improve your social standing, meet new people, and depending on the activities help build your resume. Networking is also very important: don?t be afraid to make friends (especially those in your field of study), because later, they may be able to help you.
I would tell students to really think about themselves when they consider colleges. You have to consider what your interested in both academically and socially. Look at the campus course and activities, try to find someone who went to the school and ask them questions. I would tell them that in the beginning it's really good to be as open as possible and consider all schools as potentials and cancel them out as you realize what preferences your really looking for. Then make a list of your top qualifiers, but try not to have more than five, those college applications can get expensive! Try to visit as many of your top schools as possible because the one of the most important things that will help you decide is how you feel on the campus. Trust me when you step on the right campus, you'll know. If you really take the time out to find the right college once you get there, the experience is already great. You might even find something you didn't know you were looking for.
Persistence is key, always remember that. As you go through the process of finding the college or university of your choice, never be discouraged of the qualifications they may ask for. Many may ask for a high GPA but SAT?s and extra curricular activities also plays a huge part . So never down grade your self, because it doesn?t hurt to try, the worst they can say is no. Parents as well have to keep an open mind. This is your childs choice in to becoming a young adult. Money should not hold you back from wanting to travel out of state. Many of my peers in NY who are scared to leave there comfort zone, ask how am I able to pay for my institution coming from a low income household. Although it may sound like a gamble to some, but there are loans and plenty of scholarships lying around up for grabs. A loan for many is a very harsh word but think of it as an investment towards your education. Those long study night s eating pizza with you study group will pay off in the future when you find that great career path.
Do not pick a college just primarily based on its reputation, as that is important, but so is finding a college where you could be your own individual self. Not a college that expects you to fit a specific image. But one who will accept you as yourself, your values and respect you.